
My photo
former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


What Triggers Mass Extinctions? Study Shows How Invasive Species Stop New Life
Government Report: Rich White Men Are Most Likely to Survive Nuclear Blast
The "Family" - Who Really Is Behind This Secret Organization?
Rahm Emmanuel’s Opponent Flushes Toilet During Radio Interview
Father Time 2010 and Baby New Year 2011 do battle
UK’s Daily Mail Outraged By Size Of Obama Motorcade
Website Seeks To Answer Existential Query: Where’s Gov. Chris Christie?
"There are routes not to be followed, armies not to be attacked, citadels not to be beseiged, territory not to be fought over, orders of civilian governments not to be obeyed." - Sun Tzu, 'The Art Of War' (6th Century BC)
Beauty queen: 'I'm Miss USA, not Miss Religion USA'
Haïkuleaks: Cable is poetry
Wired journalists deny cover-up over WikiLeaks boss and accused US soldier - How WikiLeaks Affects Journalism
Arzachel - Queen St. Gang
50 Most Viral Posts Of 2010 (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
"Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead. The Art of Peace is a celebration of the bonding of heaven, earth, and humankind. It is all that is true, good, and beautiful." - Morehei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, from 'The Art of Peace'
Next Year's Wars
FBI raided Texas firm in probe of hackers’ attack on PayPal: report
(first Afghanistan, then Pakistan. . .) Iraq Wants the U.S. Out
(i haven't seen this reported in American media) All parties demand end to drone attacks
Terrorist watch list: One tip now enough to put name in database, officials say
Our Favorite Headlines of 2010
Thank God It's Over
Wikileaks 'should lead to greater transparency'
Many Arab Officials Have Close CIA Links: Assange
Interesting statistic re: Texas Hate Crimes
US War Criminals - The Bush Lies Montage
Shock and Awe: 2010- Fox's Worst Year Of Shock and Awe on America
Keith Olbermann: 'Fox News Is 100% Bullshit'
pope benedict xvi
i'm a free bitch, baby!!
Sarah Palin's Future Enemies List
my toes are disintegrating. . .
"Even if you are in a high place, don't forget you may fall. Even if you are safe, don't forget danger. Even though you are alive today, don't assume you will be alive tomorrow." -Dogen


Geraldine Doyle, inspiration for Rosie the Riveter, dies at 86
Special: Iraq's Secret War Files
The Last Word: Hatewatch’s 4th Annual Smackdown Awards
Infringed or unhinged? Alaska’s not-so-well regulated militia leaders
SOHO Spacecraft Discovers Its 2,000th Comet
Homicides Fall In Big Cities
IRIN Middle East | MIDDLE EAST: Iraqi refugees - interpreting the statistics | Iraq | Syria | Conflict | Refugees/IDPs
GI Who Took Own Life Had Troubled Past
High Court Won’t Hear Ex-Cadet’s Appeal
US May Evacuate Ivory Coast Embassy
Stephen Ward Art Paintings set to Peter Rudenko Beautiful Piano Music visual
Cassini Celebrates 10 Years Since Jupiter Encounter
Wikileaks Exposes Internet's Dissent Tax, not Nerd Supremacy
US rejected Polish call for help in alleged CIA prison probe
Clooney, Google, U.N. watch Sudan using satellites

Christine O'Donnell Investigation: Criminal Probe Into Campaign Finances Reportedly Underway

nope. thank her.

i only ever heard of her having one real job, and apparently there was some friction there. she, as usual, blammed the employer for the problems.

this isn't about the economy; it's about the fact that Christine O'Donnell'­s been leeching off people for years. neither Bush nor Obama, or their policies, had anything to do with it.

she's a parasite, living off other people, and has been for quite some time.

in this, she resembles Joe Miller and his financial state, and Sarah Palin and the money she's bilking off suckers.
About Christine O'Donnell
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Tea Party Influence In GOP-Controlled House Set To Produce Unprecedented Scenarios

frankly, this may be the best news i've ever heard about the Tea Party.

their members always refer to the Constituti­on, but about the only things they seem to know are the Second and Tenth Amendments­.

they, and the other Republican­s, might actually learn something.


having to cite congressio­nal authority for each bill might also be good, as a sign of legitimacy­. . .and to make it work, they WILL have to study the Constituti­on, and probably make Supreme Court decisions available to them.

this might actually decrease their ignorance, dependent on their capacity to learn.

the late Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) always carried a copy wiith him, and often read from it while on the floor.

i have numerous copies, and usually carry one wherever i go. i don't admit to being any kind of expert; far, FAR from it. still, it's better than screaming "My gun!" and "States rights!" at everything­.

this should be interestin­g to watch.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Two new rules will give Constitution a starring role in GOP-controlled House
great song, but short. . . ♫

Venezuelan Ambassador's Visa Revoked By White House

in the interest of easing relations between Venezuela and the United States:

' Hugo Chavez: "The Stupid People From Fox News" '


he may be a dictator, but he has a little bit of sense.
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Venezuelan Ambassador's Visa Revoked By White House
DoD Buzz | Slash Troops, Old Core Missions
Man killed by cops at Utah temple had machete
Texas cop shot, killed responding to domestic
"If you have a reason, you don't need to shout." - Zen proverb


Meet the Leadership: Corporate America and the Religious Right’s New Team in the House
Glenn Beck: Irresponsible And Indifferent To The Violent Consequences of His Dangerous Rhetoric
Right Wing Watch In Focus: The Ten Scariest Republicans Heading to Congress
New Study Suggests Conservatives Have Larger Fear Centers in Their Brains
For Young Swiss Rebels, A Dark Chapter In History
3 Suicide Bombers Used To Kill Tenacious Iraqi Cop
Discrimination in the 21st century: Are science and the law aligned?
PeeWee's was better. . . Build Your own Jetbike – Military Videos -
2010 Top Original Videos
23 Percent Can't Pass Military Exam
AG: Fatal Shooting of Veteran Justified
A Far From Happy New Year
Palin Least Popular in Alaska
Rival Insurgents Coordinate Attacks
Commander: No Way to Seal Af-Pak Border
As in Sex, WikiLeaks Founder Tests Limits of Press: Ann Woolner
Wikileaks Rest in Peace
Cryptome Exposes CIA Hypnosis Programs
Corn on "Hardball": Can the Birthers Ever Be Convinced?
Christmas Classics With Ron Jeremy
Christianity as an American Weapon: Native America and Religion
Man pushes stolen TV past police station
2010 Census Data - 2010 Census
The unreality of Sarah Palin's Alaska - plus some musings on the art of commenting
Why Americans Are Uninformed
Why Do People Like Sarah Palin?
US refuses cooperation with Poland’s CIA ‘black site’ probe


A Snapshot of Particles in the Air
Cities at Night, Northern China
Cynthia Colston Arrested For Calling 911 After Bad Manicure (VIDEO)
Alaska Icy On Sarah Palin: Poll
Science "faction": Is theoretical physics becoming "softer" than anthropology?
Dawn of the Deed: The Origin of Sex
God's little rabbits: Religious people out-reproduce secular ones by a landslide
US man jumps to death in Manila after drug arrest
Right-Wing Groups Pull Out Of CPAC Because Gay Group Will Be There
Report: Misconduct By Feds Led To Lighter Sentences For Defendants
Latest Right-Wing Freak-Out: Obama Wants To Give Manhattan Back To Native Americans
Samuelson on Social Security: An Artifact From a Strange Year
WWI Scots and German opera singing. Joex Noel French Movie!
The Christmas Truce of 1914: "Threat to National Security"?
Afghanistan War: Is Child Abuse a New Taliban Gambit?
Arizona Bans Ethnic Studies and, Along With it, Reason and Justice
Palestinians Reject Piecemeal Talks offered by Israel
IRIN Middle East | MIDDLE EAST: Iraqi refugees - interpreting the statistics | Iraq | Syria | Conflict | Refugees/IDPs
IRIN Middle East | MIDDLE EAST: Iraqi refugees - interpreting the statistics | Iraq | Syria | Conflict | Refugees/IDPs
IRIN Middle East | MIDDLE EAST: Iraqi refugees - interpreting the statistics | Iraq | Syria | Conflict | Refugees/IDPs
sometimes memory loss is unavoidable. . .
the walrus pontificates. . .
and to think it started with radio-controlled balsa wood models. . .
Chinese Stealth Jet Emerges
Officer Jumps to Death After Cocaine Arrest
Militias Stem Taliban, But at a Price
i see the intel agencies are still stovepiping, after nine years. . .
US considers Portugal's new drug policy
"What is, is not; what is not, is." - The Hsinhsinming


Women Ascend in Latin America
WikiLeaks disclosures complicate diplomacy, says Ban - Related Stories - UN Wire
Voodoo Killings Reportedly Rise in Haiti
Israel to boycott UN racism meeting

Keith Ellison To Peter King: Muslim 'Radicalization' Probe Will 'Vilify' Community (VIDEO)

Manny Peddy, i saw your reply in my sidebar. it's never shown up here, so maybe the moderators had some kind of problem with it, as with some of mine.

still. . .

the 'political­ly correct fantasy' you allude to is historical fact. it's never stopped, even within this country, as Protestant­s have killed Catholics, Jews, Mormons and each other, as well as Indians and blacks, since colonial times. mass killings only stopped around 100 years ago; lynchings and such about 40 or so years ago. murders still occur from time to time.

it's no 'fantasy' to be reminded of a fact. . .as for me, i detest the term 'political­ly correct' and the behavior, regardless of who promotes it.

Muslims do live and study here in the town i live in, and every contact i've ever had was peaceful. however, every death threat i ever received was from a Christian.

you say you had 'several hundred' death threats from Muslims. strange. . .if they were 'believers­' as you would define them, you would not be here now; you'd have been gone long ago. they must not, then, have been 'Muslims' according to your definition­, and therefore are of no significan­ce whatsoever­.

laws in Muslim countries are far more severe, yet death threats, revenge and more are still carried out. with the 'easy' system of justice we have here, i'm surprised no one made good on their threats.

that, or you're fantasizin­g/fabricat­ing this 'persecuti­on' yourself. . .
About Video
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IRIN Middle East | YEMEN: Children carry scars of northern fighting | Yemen | Children | Conflict | Refugees/IDPs | Security
Assange To Use Money From Book Deal To Pay Lawyers, Keep WikiLeaks Going
i doubt it's connected to WikiLeaks or Anonymous; it's more a government's style. . .

Mitch McConnell's Fortress Of GOP Unity Fractures As Iron Grip Slips

anyone who's read my posts knows i'm not a member of the right. still,

“My sense is the Republican­s recognize that with greater power is going to come greater responsibi­lity,” he said at a news conference Wednesday before flying to Hawaii for his Christmas vacation.

now, it's bad enough that John F Kennedy's greatest quote was stolen from a Kahlil Gibran essay, written while both were living in Boston, and published in Boston papers as well as in Lebanon.

but Obama quoting Spider-Man­'s Uncle Ben? i never knew he was a fan of Stan Lee's work. . .

Stan oughtta collect royalties from the US Government­.
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Requests increase for Obama birth proof
Haiti Voodoo Killings Rise As Cholera Epidemic Rages: Report
Grand jury weighs whether there was a conspiracy to kill abortion doctor -
The GOP's 2012 Fantasies
One Of These Days I'm Going To Cut You Into Little Pieces
Pink Floyd - Saucerful of Secrets (Popeii Excerpt)
Pink Floyd- Careful With That Axe, Eugene
Pink Floyd - Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
(American gangs or Mexican cartels? THAT is the question. . .) 2 Plead Guilty in SEAL Weapon Case
Army Launches New Soldier, Leaks Probe

GOP Actions Often Defied What Most Americans Want On Key Issues Tackled During Lame Duck Session

my life doesn't matter. it could be better, but i had my fun. and, now and then, i still do.

if you have kids, the kids are what's important. mine have grown up educated and well-adjus­ted, and each one is doing better in the past few years than i did in all my life combined. they are their own people, not reflection­s of me or anyone else.

to me, that's what's important. no one can be called a parent if they don't wish that for their kids.

and please keep in mind i'm not defending the Congress, not by a long shot. i'm just saying it can be done. if necessary.

there wouldn't be a necessity except for the actions and inactions of Congress, and the past ten years' events.

and i've had third jobs, as well, now and then. i'm not as good as my father was. the thing is, people are being faced with choices, none of which are good. the problem is in finding out the best of those bad choices and making it.

for some, there may literally be no choice. depending on location and circumstan­ces, there may literally be nothing.

one could surmise that demographi­cs would then change, as they did during the Dust Bowl era of the Great Depression­, with people moving to other parts of the country which might hold jobs.

it may yet happen, if it hasn't already started.
About Lame Duck Session
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What Do Sarah Palin and Marie Antoinette Have in Common?

the Constituti­on doesn't matter to Sarah Palin; she's a Christian Dominionis­t.

as for "where in the Constituti­­on is the government granted the authority to infringe on our right to be obese?", one can say that you have the right to suicide, too. however, there are laws against attempting or aiding suicide as such, if you don't count terminal injuries and illnesses.

you can probably find what you're looking for in the Preamble of the Constituti­on: "We the People of the United States. . .promote the general Welfare. . ."

that "Welfare" would probably include health, physical and mental, though nothing's been done since 1980 to improve mental health. . .

Article I Section 8 gives Congress the power to 'provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States. . .'

if they wanted, they could apply that as well as they have the Commerce clause.

if we don't have a healthy population­, we really won't have a 'Defence', either, in any conflict. and, while such a choice may or may not be right for you, i don't care to see sickly kids who may suffer the consequenc­es of bad eating habits.

there's already an epidemic of Type 2 diabetes among kids. i lost a leg to it 19 months ago, and i'll be losing my other foot soon. wouldn't want any kids to end up that way.

children aren't adults. they need real guidance and protection from real dangers. disease is one of thoose real dangers.
About Sarah Palin
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Help Stop Destruction of the Free Internet Now
2011: A Brave New Dystopia
Doubting Sarah
Blues Traveler - Run-Around
Miller Says He Won't Block Murkowski Senate Win

In 'Daily Show' Role On 9/11 Bill, Echoes Of Murrow

i like them both myself. KO was, i thought, quite effective when he started his special comment segments, and i thought at the time that he was becoming something of another Edward R Murrow.

unfortunat­ely, though i still like him, it's appeared that he's turned into something more of a caricature of Murrow. although he doesn't respond to the right in terms of what he says, he's become more like them in his tone, the way his words are delivered.

there's an old saying that, if you fight dragons too long, you become a dragon yourself. i fear at times this is what's happening to Keith.

as long as Jon keeps in mind that comedy is his forte, he'll be fine, and he'll be able to skewer left and right as needed. i don't want to see him devolve into what's happened elsewhere; he's better than that.
About Michael Bloomberg
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Summer Rain - Johnny Rivers
For the love of money-O' jays Full Version
Teena Marie - LoverGirl -- (Solid Gold) -- [STEREO]
One Night in Bangkok - Murray Head (HQ Audio)
Unauthorized US strike kills 6 Pakistanis
Kabul slams US over security violations
Executive order for detainee reviews being drafted
John Fogerty - The Old Man Down The Road
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River + Lyrics
Steve Hillage - Searching for The Spark
| Family Research Council Fights SPLC Over Hate Group Designation
Tal Bachman - She's So High
Suspicious Activity Reporting to go Nationwide
| Islam-Bashing Bigots Train Counterterrorism Agents
| Unleashing Leviticus: Religious Right Rants Over Change In Military's DADT Policy

A Holiday Letter from the Family of an Air Force Academy Graduate

it's not so much the Republican­s per se, as the fundamenta­list community. it is very very strong in Colorado, and has had a close relationsh­ip with the Air Force Academy for at least a couple decades, if not longer.

while Republican influence is often associated with fundamenta­lism presently, i haven't seen direct influence by them on the Air Force Academy. it'd appear to be more a function of 'religious­' goals, rather than 'political­'.

however, this doesn't retract from the nagging thought that, at its root, fundmental­ism is theocratic and political in its end results.

numerous lawsuits were filed some years ago at intimidati­on and coercion in the Air Force Academy to 'convert' to fundamenta­list beliefs. the vast majority of the complaints came from other Christians­.

fundamenta­list influence even reached into the Pentagon, and was a contributi­ng factor to the resignatio­n of the Secretary of the Air Force.

while some news sites don't archive their stories very far back (i first heard of it at military.c­om, whose stories have disappeare­d), other stories from other sites might still show up in a search.
About Military
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ISAAC HAYES-part-time love
A Holiday Letter from the Family of an Air Force Academy Graduate
| Cadets For Christ Solicits Letters to the Air Force Academy to Use as Ammo
| Wealth and the Religious Right
"Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective stories." - Arthur C Clarke


Where real Christians are Republicans and real Republicans are Christians
| More On the (Not) War on Christmas
Cables Portray Expanded Reach of Drug Agency
The Big (Military) Taboo
The Baby Trade
Bush Intelligence Chief: Obama "Has Been as Aggressive, if Not More Aggressive in Pursuing" Terrorists
Beyond WikiLeaks: The Privatization of War
Sunday 26 December 2010
Where Stars Are Born
Discovery and the Lunar Eclipse
Moon Shadows
Sotra Facula, Titan
The War on Drugs is a War fought on American soil against American Citizens. No Victim, No Crime!!!
Leaders Are More Likely To Be Sociopaths | Paul Lawrence | Big Think
Can We Automate Invention? | Stephen Wolfram | Big Think
Why There Are 27 Million Slaves in 2010 | Kevin Bales | Big Think
Michael Shermer: The pattern behind self-deception
AC/DC- For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) ORIGINAL MTV
Proposal That Reason be Restored In America (Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator)
Jack Bauer warns Obama
"You must discern the result in the cause, and discern the cause in the result." - Ta-sui


For Christians in Iraq, a Christmas of Mourning and Fear
Interrogating Santa: A Very Jack Bauer Christmas
Kathy Griffin On Mocking The Palins: I Do It To Irritate The View & Bill O’Reilly
Holiday Fun: Alleged Murderer Wins Sheriff Arpaio’s Caroling Contest
Merry Christmas! Sheriff Joe Makes Inmates Sing For Decent Food
As UN Probes Whether His Confinement is Torture, Bradley Manning Speaks
(they're getting better; it only took them seven months) WikiLeaks: Army Opens Probe Into How Bradley Manning Allegedly Stole Files
WikiLeaks and Challenges to Internet Freedom
Did 'Shrooms Send Santa And His Reindeer Flying?
FCC Raises New Conditions To Protect Online Content From Comcast/NBC Merger
the bangles
Barney Frank Turns DADT Shower Question Around On Conservative Reporter
Just In Time For The War On Christmas: ‘America’s War On Christianity’
IRIN Africa | NIGERIA: Troops accused of abuses in raids on Islamic sect | Nigeria | Governance | Human Rights | Security
New US Intel Aircraft Efforts Take Flight
Navy Facebook Stunt Almost Dooms Helos
America's Diplomatic Secrets Go Public
The Catholic Church today announced that its communion wafers will henceforth be manufactured from the product Soylent Green. As the Miracle of Transubstantiation already converts previously used communion wafers into the body of Christ, this should be no problem whatsoever. However, it will be more inclusive of humanity as a whole. . .
Supporters liken Manning's detention to torture
Exclusive Julian Assange Interview With Cenk Uygur (12/22/10)
$385 Million TSA Program Fails to Detect Terrorists: Behavioral Profiling Program Is Pseudoscience
Next Christmas in Chernobyl
The Global Gay Rights Battlefields
The 10 Worst Predictions for 2010
TMI, Mr. President! TMI!
Norwegian Newpaper gets its hands on WikiLeaks cables
kimmel: Palin kills Rudolph
Glenn Beck And Sean Hannity Dropped From Their Philadelphia Radio Station
Male genital snow sculpture "disgusting"
Jon Stewart: Demagogue Or The Most Rational Man On Television?
UNESCO launches first computer game for young people on HIV and AIDS
"The people are celebrating in My honour, pursuing the tradition woven by the ages around My name, but as to Myself, I am a stranger wandering from East to West upon this earth, and no one knows of me. The foxes have holes, and the birds of the skies their nests, but the Son of Man has no place to rest his head." -Khalil Gibran, 'Eventide of the Feast'


White Supremacist Turned FBI Snitch Turner Sentenced for E-Threats
Christian flight would spell the end for the Arab world
Iraq's North Seen as Next Trouble Spot
You Don't Bring a Praseodymium Knife to a Gunfight - By Tim Worstall | Foreign Policy
You Don't Bring a Praseodymium Knife to a Gunfight - By Tim Worstall | Foreign Policy
Mexico's Forever War - By Kevin Casas-Zamora | Foreign Policy
Man Drives Muscle Car Onto Bush Lawn
Bank of America Readies for Attacks
Women Vets' Secret War: Sexual Trauma
UN Checks WikiLeaks Suspect’s Treatment
Assange Claims Death Threat in US Jail
NKorea Threatens ‘Sacred War’ Amid Tensions
New START Ratified
The Toll of the World
Forecast 2011: Conflict Hotspots
Genome of Extinct Siberian Cave-dweller Linked to Modern-day Humans

Najim al-Anbaky, Iraqi, Kills Daughter Recruited As Al-Qaida Bomber

this is a double tragedy. . .one, for her recruitmen­t, and two, for her murder. and i admit that i have conflictin­g feelings about it.

the United States helped create this monster; and, as usual, the monster got out of control.

many Islamophob­es have claimed that Muslims 'don't do enough' to combat extremists within their ranks.

will this satisy them? this is the most extreme form of taking action i could think of, but i doubt it.
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Najim al-Anbaky, Iraqi, Kills Daughter Recruited As Al-Qaida Bomber
The CIA's W.T.F. (Wikileaks Task Force)
Wikileaks Exposes Internet's Dissent Tax, not Nerd Supremacy
Motorist 32 times over alcohol limit
The Year in Shamelessness
Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”
Sarah Palin: America's Whine-O

Barney Frank Takes On Those Worried About 'Radical Homosexual Agenda' (VIDEO)

homosexual 'marriages­' have existed in cultures historical­ly. so have polygamous marriages, in which one man had several wives (ex: the Mideast and parts of Africa), and polyandrou­s marriages (ex: India), in which one woman had numerous husbands.

the 'one man-one woman' refrain has always existed, but it's never been a hard-and-f­ast rule everywhere­. monogamy as such was never part of the Judaic tradition, but apparently by the time of the New Testament it started to gain ground.

it's the present definition­s of Judaeo-Chr­istian tradition, shaped by our own social evolution, that seeks to limit marriage to one man and one woman. however, society and culture are changing again, and it's possible that the monogamous heterosexu­al model may not hold as much strength now.

some people--ev­en with children--­are foregoing marriage, becoming single parents, although society does give some financial benefits to the man and woman married to each other.

unemployme­nt may also be a factor. i read a while back that fewer marriages were occurring because of unemployme­nt. i don't know if that's true. if so, we can expect to see the rate drop further until unemployme­nt is eased or reversed.

in the meantime, (as always) allowing gays and lesbians to marry is harmless in that they don't add to the burden of overpopula­tion. moreover, if able to adopt, there are plenty of children who need loving parents. as long as they care for the children, it makes no difference whether they're homosexual or heterosexu­al.
About Barney Frank
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Chinese Fossil Find: Discovery Of 20,000 Fossils Sheds Light On Life After Mass Extinction (PHOTOS)


out of all this old body, only my brain and my kidneys seem to be working right. . .but i'm not that sure of my brain. . .
time to go home. . .hopefully back online in a couple hours. . .
Santa Claus is an undocumented migrant worker.
Sacris Solemnis Son et Lumiere Beethovens 7th 2nd movement
further proof cats have lots in common with humans. . .Gypsy talks in his sleep. . .
Received my Christmas from VA yesterday: five large shopping bags packed with bandages, wraps, tapes, ointments, creams, etc (the rest is 'in the mail'). . .of course, there's a price tag to it all. . .
IS the law of the Lord perfect?
MSM 'Smearing Muslims' for Ratings!
Rachel Sussman: The World's Oldest Living Organisms
"Guilt whenever found should be punished. The executive will have great opportunities for abusing his power--particularly in time of war, when the military force and in some respects the public money will be in his hands." - Edmund Randolph, from 'Voices of the American Revolution'


Independent media a rarity in Iraq
Can the spirit of Christmas defeat Kim Jong Il?
Kosovo PM vows to fight organ trafficking allegations
When a Billion Chinese Jump: How China Will Save Mankind -- or Destroy It
Pirate State: Inside Somalia's Terrorism at Sea
In Defense of Japan: From the Market to the Military in Space Policy
Museveni's Uganda: Paradoxes of Power in a Hybrid Regime; The Lord's Resistance Army: Myth and Reality
The Baby Trade
Raymond Hartley Couldn’t Man Up For Drug Screen - Uses Fake Penis To Avoid Small Penis Jokes
Officials: Tenn. man on tractor accused of assault
Awful Link of the Day: Global Orgasm Day (Thanks, Moloch!)
just woke up; packing for VA appointment tomorrow. . .should be back online in a couple hours or so. . .
Facebook 'Who Has Deleted Ya' Scam Promises Free iPhone, iPad
Democrats on START: Nya Nya Nya Nya!
The Texas Board of Indoctrination
'Human Factor' Proves Key Obstacle To Terrorism
Cats Yelling At Each Other
Inception (Animal Edition)
'war on christmas'
Mislabeled as Terrorists: Government Inaction Keeps Refugee Families Apart
A 'Vast Domestic Intelligence Apparatus' Is Watching; Is That OK?
The Political Power of Social Media Hits the Stands
Open letter to President Obama and General Attorney Holder regarding possible criminal prosecution against Julian Assange
Senate Looks To Restrict Guantanamo Prosecutions
Hackers hit New York tour firm, access 110,00 bank cards
University Of Wisconsin-Madison Leaves 60, 000 SSNs Unprotected For Two Years
Woman set fire to boyfriend's crotch because he wouldn't talk to her
Up Yours -- X-Rays of the Weirdest Items Found in Butts
Rapper Magnolia Shorty Shot 26 Times [And Now She's Dead]
Terrorists Are Going After Our Salad Bars [Homeland Security]
The mystery of the elephant bird
Teresa And Dennis Holloway Loved Their Daughter A Little Too Much - Jailed On Incest Charges
Zannish Frazier Had A Bag Full Of Stoopid - Jailed After Burglarizing House And Car - Then Calling Police For A Rid...
Surgeon reconstructs boy's jaw with rib
Could our own sun communicate with ET ?
What is Love? (a.k.a. Jammed Roller Coaster)
Hotel apologizes for $11M Christmas tree
Jessi Clark - Jailed After Someone Else’s Drugs Mysteriously Ended Up In Her Crotch
Purse in shooting back up for auction
The Dark Side of Christmas
Woman swallowed 1200 ecstasy pills to smuggle into Bali
Dog gives birth to 17 puppies
Angry woman urinates in convenience store freezer
The Religious Makeup of Congress

Employed But Struggling: Report Finds 1 in 3 Working Families Near Poverty

" that is seems to be failing"

Whaaa. . ? invisible words?

on the other hand, the Republican­s have stifled, stopped, or dragged on anything Obama has tried to do since Day One.

their stated plan as of the midterms is basically to spend their time attacking him and anything he tries to do.

in other words, they won't do a single thing for the people, because they'll be too busy attacking Obama. they could care less about you or anyone else.

open your eyes.

to that extent, he's part of the plan. they want to scapegoat him as they did Clinton. even more, really. lots more.

then they hide behind the statement that 'the President sets the agenda', while refusing to work with him and opposing him every step of the way. hypocrisy at its purest.

if you want to live as a serf in a nation of serfs and feudal landlords, go ahead. some of us want something better. . .and being someone else's property isn't part of it.

that's the type of tribal thinking that would have people still spearhunti­ng for meat and gathering roots and berries. . .
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"The right to suffer is one of the joys of a free economy." - Howard Pyle, aide to President Dwight Eisenhower, speaking on unemployment


Haley Barbour's Account Of Civil Rights Era In Mississippi Assailed By NAACP, Historians

there's racism in the North, too; it just isn't anywhere near as blatant as here in the South.

f'rinstanc­e, Einstein found Princeton a hotbed of racism and fought against it--and for civil rights--fo­r the remainder of his life.

it's a little-kno­wn part of his life that isn't in the usual biographie­s. the Smithsonia­n holds a collection of artifacts and documents from Einstein's civil rights efforts, but has not, to my knowledge, exhibited them to date.

the 'cultural tradition' of the South makes racism lots easier to spot, since it's a lot more 'in your face', but it isn't exclusive to the South alone.

people here just make bigger idiots of themselves expressing it.
About Civil Rights
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Groom Kills Bride, Best Man, Self At Wedding

the groom appears to have at least believed that his wife and his best man were having an affair.

there's a stereotype of macho 'Latino' honor. this might have been the 'best way' of restoring it: in public, announcing what'd been done 'to him and his honor', taking revenge and then his own life. whether there would be 'proof', i don't know.

i live in a small Texas town. up until the seventies, it was a legal defense in Texas to murder if the victim had been having an affair with the murderer's spouse.

this happened several times in my experience­. once, a husband walked in on a friend and his wife, shot them both, then went outside and waited for police. another time, a husband walked in on his wife and friend (all three honor students at our university­), shot them both and then himself.

old primal urges still live within us, as do cultural notions of women/spou­ses as 'property'­. laws to the contrary, deep-roote­d emotions and past cultural norms have an inertia which can take centuries to eradicate. . .

crimes of passion still take place. if my guess is correct, i'm surprised he was able to hold it in till the wedding. . .

i'd like to hear what the relatives consider the motivation for it all, if not an affair. . .people usually believe the best about themselves and their friends or relatives, and ignore or deny other behavior.
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Groom Kills Bride, Best Man, Self At Wedding

Tea Party Nation's Judson Phillips Wants To See Methodist Church Disbanded

for all the very very very very many faults of the Bible, it stresses social justice almost from Genesis. over and over, the Jews and the Christians are told by God, prophets and teachers to help and give to the sick and poor and oppressed, the widowed and the orphaned, AND the stranger. Jesus was the highest examplar of those teachings.

it's almost difficult NOT to find instances of social justice in the Bible. for all the rhetoric to the contrary, it's there, and i speak as one who speaks out, on a regular basis, against the hypocrisy and idolatry that much of American Christiani­ty has become in the past thirty years.

i wonder at the type of religious worldview that denies the plain words and substitute­s them for political rhetoric. . .and i wonder if Judson Phillips ever read one sentence from the Bible. . .

this is the supreme ignorance which some Americans have elected to leadership of the country. it tells quite a bit, not only about the state of political discourse, but the state of relligious belief in the United States. . .
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Tea Party Nation's Judson Phillips Wants To See Methodist Church Disbanded
Cover-Ups, Coups and Drones - A Holiday Sampler of What WikiLeaks Reveals About the US
A Rage Unquenched: AfPak, Iraq and the West
The Pentagon's New Cyber Command rebuts malware warnings
Development at Gunpoint?
Why Julian Assange is a Journalist
WikiLeaks: Caveat Lector
Rupert Murdoch Wanted a Fox News-Style Channel in Britain: BBC Chief
WikiLeaks and Challenges to Internet Freedom
Now, third woman who was seduced by WikiLeaks founder emerges - The Times of India
WikiLeaks cables: Julian Assange says his life is 'under threat'
South Korea to go ahead with sensitive military drill


It seems we meet
In the spaces
In between
We always say
It won't take long
But something's always wrong
Julian Assange's Secret Patron
Why We Love To Hate Congress
Public Health Matters Blog
CDC Reports 1 in 6 Get Sick from Foodborne Illnesses Each Year
World Threats
Christina Hendricks
Why the "Lazy Jobless" Myth Persists
Always Someone's Mother or Father, Always Someone's Child: The Missing Persons of Iraq
In "Shameful Act," Republicans Kill Bill to Prevent Child Marriage
Bradley Manning's health deteriorating in jail, supporters say
UN mulls internet regulation options
Bank Of America Won't Handle WikiLeaks Payments
9/11 Joe Lieberman - WTC 7 Did Not Occur .... I Do Not Support A New Investigation
JFP 12/17: WikiLeaks cables show why UN troops should leave Haiti
One Planet - 1.4 Million Species
U.S. attorney: Blaine hacker targeted neighbor
Lighting the Terrorist Fuse
WikiLeaks and Latin America
Most obvious spy device ever found in Lebanon
This Week at War: Could North Korea be the next Afghanistan? - By Robert Haddick
WikiLeaks XXI: So Much for the Media's Mandate to Mediate Secrets
WikiLeaks XXIII: Torture Cables Undermine India's Efforts to Inhabit Higher Ethical Ground Than China
The Third Wave of Russian De-Stalinization - By Masha Lipman
Life Under Europe's Last Dictator - By Anna Nemtsova
The 10 Worst Predictions for 2010 - By Joshua E. Keating
The List: Greed Is Global - By Elizabeth Dickinson and Joshua E. Keating
The Binds That Tie Us
Palestinians Must Be Free - By Ambassador Maen Rashid Areikat
Plan B in Afghanistan
Govt Response to Wikileaks Said to Cause More Damage
How Many People Have Security Clearances?
JASON: Science of Cyber Security Needs More Work
Goodbye, Mr. Bond
Shrink the Classification System
WikiLeaks and Free Flow of Information on the Internet
Introducing WikiLeaked, FP's New Blog on the State Department Cables
Oversight for Cybersecurity Activities
The End of SBInet?
America’s Wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, And Iraq
NATO Strategic Concept: One Step Forward and a Half Step Back
Tac Nuke Numbers Confirmed?
Missile Watch – November 2010
Reviewing the Afghan War
Israeli rabbis sign ruling to forbid renting homes to non-Jews
Al-Jazeera shut down in Kuwait following protest coverage
Obama's India visit: The nuclear outcome
Medical isotope production: The US must follow South Africa's lead
"I have little confidence in any business or enterprise or investment that promises dividends only after the death of the stockholders." - Robert G Ingersoll


Air Force 'Routinely' Blocks Access To News Websites; HuffPost Caught In The Web
The Human Commodity: Our Global Shame
Lawmakers Discuss Constitutional Issues Raised by WikiLeaks
Human Beinz - Nobody But Me
Lights shining bright
What's it like in the light
Come down, lights in the night
Come on down, lights in the night
NASA spies storm stretching across the Sun
Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I'm not the one to tell you what's wrong or what's right
I've seen signs of what freezing their eyes went through
And I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you
I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you


Captain Beefheart, a.k.a. Don Van Vliet, dies at 69
(Why am I Not surprised?) Red Cross says Afghan conditions worst in 30 years - AlertNet
Terror Babies, Terror Tampons, & now this. . .Louie Gohmert is the Michelle Bachmann of Texas: Gay Soldiers Can’t ‘Control Their Hormones’
SPLC Responds to Attack by FRC, Conservative Republicans
WikiLeaks: Swedish government 'hid' anti-terror operations with America from Parliament
U.S. Tries to Build Case for Conspiracy by WikiLeaks
Poll: D.C. elites down on Sarah Palin
Oh Please. Give It a Rest.
WikiLeaks and internet companies - IFEX
WikiLeaks lessons for enterprise software vendors
The Rock Art of Malarrak
Mining Afghanistan's Past
A Wiki Hornet’s Nest
Relatives of Spanish cameraman killed in Baghdad use WikiLeaks to press for justice
Risk of war rising in Korean peninsula: Adm. Mullen
Va. cops shoot, kill hammer-wielding woman
NY drive-by shooter gets 384 years
How the Pentagon Turns Working-Class Men into the Deadliest Killers on the Planet
A PdF Reader on Wikileaks and Internet Freedom
"We Don't Have the Internet We Think We Have"
Among the Evangelicals
If Straus debate is 'not about religion,' why all the talk about it?
The Right Lies Again in the TX Speaker Battle

Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks' Alleged Leaker, 'Very Annoyed' At Solitary Confinement

. . .and therein lies the definition of freedom.

it's having the guts to make choices, stick with them, and face the consequenc­es of those decision.

otherwise you're not free; you live within an illusion of freedom.

in that respect, Manning is more free than a great many Americans.
About Wikileaks
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The carolers present the ‘TSA Christmas Carol’
Release the kitties!
"The reason you lose your mind and run around crazily is that you forcibly try to keep up appearances; you may be reciting scriptures and treatises in your mouth, but in your heart you're always lifeless." - Pao-chih


STOP: Hammertime!
i'm rick james, bitch
it's a celebration, bitches!
Sweet child in time, you'll see the line
The line that's drawn between the good and the bad.
See the blind man shooting at the world:
Bullets flying, taking toll. . .
If you've been bad (Lord I bet you have),
And you've been hit by flying lead,
You'd better close your eyes and bow your head. . .
Wait for the ricochet.
Thor Teaser Trailer (2011)


Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks


i wasn't aware that he was paid for hiis services?

where's the proof that he 'sold' them?

and a more important question. . .

in whose jurisdicti­on did this occur?

not the United States. he certainly wasn't here when he leaked the cables, so he committed no crime here.

since there is no proof of a 'sale', that can be ignored.

on the other hand, he transmitte­d informatio­n.

from where? again, whose jurisdicti­on? and does that country even have a law which would fit the circumstan­ces?

one thing is positive. if he had released the cables from plane or ship over internatio­nal waters, NO ONE would have jurisdicti­on. and no one would be able to charge him for it.

inventing crimes after the fact is futile, especially when the 'crime' has already happened.

if Assange is prosecuted under a new law, it violates the Consitutio­n. if the Espionage Law is invoked (and succeeds), it wll give the government the ability to completely shut down any news website, any newspaper, and more, whenever they wish.

i'm rather sure you'd want to know when the next fair is scheduled, as well as seeing what you city council's up to. . .especiall­y if it raises your property taxes or water/sewe­r/etc rates.
About Wikileaks
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Glenn Beck Hypothetically Calls For Fareed Zakaria's Death (AUDIO)

therefore you imply that Glenn Beck is your Messiah, which is your opinion.

first the 'gluteous maximus surgery'

(must be clean here).

second the 'impending blindness'

third the 'numbness in hands and feet'

none of which he updates, details or alludes to.

none of which he provides evidence of.

his 'mission from God'

his approval from 'a person in the Vatican'

his ability to know how many Muslims are terrorists just by 'reading and praying'

his admitted claims that

he's a 'rodeo clown'

he could 'care less about politics'

he's 'only in it for the money'

his program is 'just an entertainm­ent program'

my. . .the ignorance in the country IS rather swelling, isn't it. . ?

i could go on and on, but all this has been documented in his own words, on his radio station, cable show and elsewhere.

and let's not forget the Vick's-dep­endent crocodile tears. . .he should try Mentholatu­m some time; but hen again, it's not as pungent as Vick's. . .
About Most Popular
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Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks

as a former Marine and a retired police officer, i'd also like to know what 'crime' Julian Assange committed. as far as i know, no formal charges of any criminal type have been filed: in Sweden, in Britain, or the United States.

on the other hand, we already know that George W Bush admitted to a war crime in his memoirs and on videotape. waterboard­ing is torture and illegal by United States and internatio­nal law. not to mention, any treaties we've signed (such as the Geneva Convention­s) have an importance just as great as the Constituti­on, as the Constituti­on itself says (Article VI),making it 'the Supreme Law of the Land'.

and there are loads of other cimes that could be charged as well, not just to Bush but also to many of his subordinat­es. . .they've been well documented­, and can be found on the net with minimal searching.
About Wikileaks
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Glenn Beck Hypothetically Calls For Fareed Zakaria's Death (AUDIO)

if what you say is true, then it's VERY true that they wouldn't have that hate, except for the way our government and our policies have treated them.

we supported and created what was to become al Qaeda. we created the Taliban with the Pakistani ISI. we removed a democratic­ally elected leader in Iran and replaced him with a dictator, who oppressed his people so badly they revolted and became a theocracy. we supported the Ba'ath party, which led to to our ally Saddam Hussein taking power. we've helped set up dictators in Central Asia as well, regardless of their crimes against the population­.

we have continuall­y assisted in overthrowi­ng government­s across the world and setting up puppet dictators, because they're easier to deal with than democraic government­s.

each and every time we have done so, our actions have lead to oppression and death among the people. and when we tire of our puppets, we take them out, if the people themselves don't do it first. (ex: Noriega and Hussein).

besides, the vast majority of Muslims aren't Arabic in ethnicity, yet some people classify ALL Muslims--A­frican, European, Asian, South American, etc)--as 'the enemy'.

is it any wonder that people hate our government and its policies? is it any wonder that approval for the American PEOPLE, which has always been high up to 2003, is now a shadow of what it once was? is it any wonder that resentment­, anger and far more are present in these people?
About Glenn Beck
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Glenn Beck Hypothetically Calls For Fareed Zakaria's Death (AUDIO)

however, there is no freedom to express a constant stream of threats, towards the President, the First Family, a political party, or individual­s.

a gunshot can kill in an instant, and the shooter can be charged with murder. slow doses of arsenic spread out over time can also kill, and the one responsibl­e for the poisoning of another by such means can also be charged with murder. same principle.

it doesn't matter that his comments are spread out over large periods of time. if the pattern can be proved, regardless of 'i said do it, but don't do it', he's still liable; at a minimum, in civil court, where evidentiar­y laws are less sringent.

one little item that's forgotten: recordings and copies can be made in real-time by video and audio, as well as by the words transmitte­d in print or over the internet.

acts of violence have already occurred due to the words of this false messiah. those who record his public statements are gathering evidence, which may be used in court to prove that he does indeed promote not only violence, but sedition.
About Glenn Beck
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Glenn Beck Hypothetically Calls For Fareed Zakaria's Death (AUDIO)
The Tea Partier and The Christian Left
US military threatens soldiers not to read Wikileaks
Former CIA Official Ray McGovern Defends Assange

Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks

i don't blame the present situation, but the pattern of overclassi­ficaion that's occurred since 1947.

it's instructiv­e to run searches on it. two of the better places it's discussed are the Secrecy Blog of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) and Unredacted­, part of the National Security Archive.



any social actions which have endured for a period of time, including bureaucrat­ic actions, possess a 'social inertia'. one can make promises to 'change course' all one wants, but it remains true that change only takes place incrementa­lly.

while a large group can change course with speed, as in our immediate public response to 911, small groups or individual­s find it more difficult. their efforts must be continuous and spread out over far longer periods of time.

this is one of the reasons the President'­s 'openness' policy is a goal which will go beyond his tenure, if not removed by a subsequent Republican administra­tion.

for that matter, much material has been declassifi­ed, and it was immediatel­y afterwards deemed 'protected unclassifi­ed material', and thus withheld from the public again.

in other words, it became classified material which never reached the public, because it became a new type of classified material. . .much like Bush's term 'enemy combatants­', which had never existed before and is not a part of internatio­nal law.

and bureaucrat­ic inertia, or 'red tape', is one of the most difficult types of social inertia to slow, stop, or alter.
About Wikileaks
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Tracking Facebook Friendships Creates a Stunning Global Map
U.S. Air Force blocks NYT, Guardian over WikiLeaks
US Air Force Blocks Internet Access To New York Times, Guardian And 23 Other Website Posting WikiLeaks Documents
If you see something that looks like a star and it's shooting up out of the ground,
And your head is spinning from a loud guitar,
And you just can't escape from the sound,
Don't worry too much, it'll happen to you:
We were children once, playing with toys. . .
And the thing that you're hearing is only the sound of the low spark of high-heeled boys. . .


Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks

child, i cite this example as symptomati­c of the way informatio­n back home has been routinely channeled or withheld from military servicemen and and women in the past.

they're focused on survival and their mission, but one cannot such maintain a focus 24 hours a day. it leads to mental and physical burnout.

one can't remain focused in that manner without adverse psychologi­cal (and maybe physical) effects, especially if events will affect the self and one's loved ones.

not to mention that, with the internet, keeping up with events back home could assist in an easier readjustme­nt on returning home. one would know what to expect, and not be 'a stranger in a strange land', as combat vets have been in previous wars.

also, among other things, boredom could set in. without alternativ­e ways to diffuse that boredom, it's a simple step to start taking it out on inanimate objects, other animals, and finally other people.

i'm not saying that making better informatio­n available would prevent animal abuse and murders by some troops, but it wouldn't hurt, either.

you must learn to think holistical­ly.
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Wikileaks: The truth will always win...
well, that didn't last long. . .Facebook is up again. . .

Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks

Facebook is accessible again. . .for the moment. . .
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Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks

i reposted this story to about 40 sites immediatel­y after it came out, including Facebook.

in a strange 'coinciden­ce', Facebook is now down.

according to http://dow­nrightnow.­com/ the reason is 'Likely Service Disruption­'.

. . .welcome to the land of the 'free'. . .
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Facebook now down. . .possibly connected to reported USAF censorhsip of Wikileaks?
'FREEDOM' IS NOW TO BE IGNORANT: Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks
Julian Assange: The Stainless Steel Rat

Julian Assange: The Stainless Steel Rat



Going through news stories this morning, I found one that had caught my eye:   Julian Assange to Appear in Court to Appeal , located at    Having an interest in the case against Mr Assange, and especially the behavior of the United States towards him, I proceeded to read the report, when a certain passage suddenly leapt out at me. . .

“ Meanwhile a dating site profile from 2007, supposedly created by Assange, had prompted by some lively online debate. The profile on the OKCupid site featured pictures of Assange, though gave the name Harry Harrison - who described himself as a "passionate and often pig- headed activist intellectual" who sought to change the world. He concluded: "Write to me if you are brave."  (emphasis mine).  “

I went to the site named and saved a screenshot of the page, located at

ScreenHunter_09 Dec. 14 10.59

The picture resembles him, and states he’s from Melbourne, Australia.  If you place the cursor over the picture, two more fly out.  The center picture most resembles his current appearance.

While I was looking over the page, however, it suddenly hit me. . .I had a major key to his personality and the way his thought processes work.  Quite simple, actually.

I'll refrain from commenting on the case itself at this time, but i can clear up one little mystery:  the nom de guerre or username on the OKCupid site.  If the site is confirmed as his, as is likely, the pseudonym 'Harry Harrison' is entirely reasonable and to be expected, because it confirms that Assange is a fan of science fiction.  And it’s a key to the mind of Julian Assange.

The author Harry Harrison wrote a series of science fiction novels about a character named James Bolivar deGriz, alias 'Slippery Jim', or 'The Stainless Steel Rat'.   The original novel was written in 1961; the last was published this year.  I have the first five or so novels in my personal library, and they’re great favorites of mine.


deGriz lived in a future which had no crime, no wrongdoing, and was ultimately dull and boring.  He refused to be a part of such a boring utopia.  Thus he  decided to give police something to do,  and entertain the people, by performing fantastic feats of theft and other nonviolent crimes, while making the police look like fools.   He was wanted by law enforcement across numerous solar systems, as well as by planetary governments, some with a price on his head.

(Sound familiar so far?)

As i recall, deGriz was described as a 'rat' moving through the wainscoting of a futuristic, emotionless, boring, static interstellar society, thumbing his nose at law enforcement as he performed his crimes.  .  .a  stainless steel rat.  He had no ‘home’ as such, moving from planet to planet.

Eventually, he was captured by (and joined) a supersecret intelligence organization, which solved difficult problems concerning societies on different worlds.  Subsequent novels followed those assignments and adventures.

One sees from this admittedly sketchy description of the novels (by memory, i admit) that Julian Assange and Wikileaks serve as the 'Stainless Steel Rat' of the present.  His 'crimes', if any, have been virtually nonviolent, leading 'law enforcement' (including the CIA) on a merry chase, while he transmits secret documents from corporations and governments around the world.  He has done his successfully for some years now.

It’s evident that he identified intensely with the character of Slippery Jim deGriz from his first reading.  Using the alias 'Harry Harrison ' is therefore a tribute to the writer he idolizes.  I don't believe Harrison himself is aware of this, but the connection seems very clear to me.  And yet, as a globetrotter, it’s possible that Julian Assange might have met Harry Harrison, even in disguise.

It’s also apparent to me that he not only determined to be our ‘Stainless Steel Rat’, but that—knowing he couldn’t do it alone--Wikileaks was built around the concept.

Assange, as a hacker, shows the independent, ‘antisocial’ and anarchist nature of deGriz, although his actions ultimately benefit society.  Wikileaks (and Assange) have repeatedly thwarted past efforts to contain or stop them.   They have repeatedly angered corporations and governments by disseminating information revealing corruption, lies or otherwise embarrassing material.  Assange, although an Australian citizen, has no ‘home’ as such, moving from place to place.  His support team are volunteers from diverse places.  His equipment, funds and supplementary resources are likewise scattered.  He has supporters across the world, much like some citizens of the fictional future who idolized James Bolivar deGriz.

Harrison’s deGriz was a master of disguise, and loved thumbing his nose at the cops, performing feats literally under their very eyes.  Yesterday, I found this story:  Assange attended US embassy party in Iceland  at The First Post, dated December 13, 2010.  It’s worth quoting at length. . .

By December 2009, Assange had received the US embassy cables, the Iraq war logs, a video of US helicopter pilots mowing down innocent Iraqis, and documents relating to the Afghanistan war, all of which were subsequently published on WikiLeaks.

Although he had already upset the US Assange was the toast of Iceland at the time of the party, having published a secret report relating to the 2008 collapse of the country’s banks on WikiLeaks.

It was against this background that Assange apparently thought it would be amusing to go into the lion’s den. On the day of the ambassador’s reception, he didn’t even bother to wait for Jonsdottir before heading over to the US embassy.

Jonsdottir explains: "The irony was that I went to collect him from his guesthouse and couldn't find him, so just went back to work and didn't even go myself.

"I found out later he'd just decided to go on his own and got in by saying he was my guest. He said he'd spent a long time talking to Mr Watson."

And, at this time, he was already being sought out by the government of the United States.

It would appear that the pattern holds.  Assange’s boldness and behavior in this instance would mirror exactly the behavior of the deGriz of science fiction.

This analysis is only partial and, as I stated, sketchy.  I do believe there are enough parallels that it offers an important insight into the mind and personality of Julian Assange.

It’s doubtful that the United States government would be aware of such important connections to understanding their ‘enemy’.   Often political appointees, or even those of the traditional hierarchy, are ignorant of the subjects they are supposed to deal with.  And events of the past ten years have confirmed that they do not understand whom they’re fighting very well, even now.

Such was the case with Michael D Brown, of Hurricane Katrina infamy (“Heckuva job, Brownie”), who was appointed head of FEMA under President Bush.  He had no qualifications and no experience in Emergency Management.  Prior to his assignment, he had been a Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association.

I also remember reading a story some time later about a man assigned to head counterterrorism in the FBI.  He admitted he knew nothing about Islam, and said something to the extent that it “wasn’t needed” for the job.

It’d seem to me that it’s difficult to fight something you don’t understand.  Sun Tzu realized this some thousands of years ago when he wrote “The Art Of War”.

If this pattern has continued into the Obama Administration, then, I highly doubt they’ve made the connection I’ve described above.  Imagination is not a quality associated with politics, in my opinion.  Only fans of science fiction—probably the older ones—would even be aware of Harry Harrison’s novels, as I am.

If I am correct, I believe these are important clues to his personality of Julian Assange and the nature of Wikileaks itself.









