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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Barney Frank Takes On Those Worried About 'Radical Homosexual Agenda' (VIDEO)

homosexual 'marriages­' have existed in cultures historical­ly. so have polygamous marriages, in which one man had several wives (ex: the Mideast and parts of Africa), and polyandrou­s marriages (ex: India), in which one woman had numerous husbands.

the 'one man-one woman' refrain has always existed, but it's never been a hard-and-f­ast rule everywhere­. monogamy as such was never part of the Judaic tradition, but apparently by the time of the New Testament it started to gain ground.

it's the present definition­s of Judaeo-Chr­istian tradition, shaped by our own social evolution, that seeks to limit marriage to one man and one woman. however, society and culture are changing again, and it's possible that the monogamous heterosexu­al model may not hold as much strength now.

some people--ev­en with children--­are foregoing marriage, becoming single parents, although society does give some financial benefits to the man and woman married to each other.

unemployme­nt may also be a factor. i read a while back that fewer marriages were occurring because of unemployme­nt. i don't know if that's true. if so, we can expect to see the rate drop further until unemployme­nt is eased or reversed.

in the meantime, (as always) allowing gays and lesbians to marry is harmless in that they don't add to the burden of overpopula­tion. moreover, if able to adopt, there are plenty of children who need loving parents. as long as they care for the children, it makes no difference whether they're homosexual or heterosexu­al.
About Barney Frank
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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