
My photo
former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Glenn Beck Hypothetically Calls For Fareed Zakaria's Death (AUDIO)

therefore you imply that Glenn Beck is your Messiah, which is your opinion.

first the 'gluteous maximus surgery'

(must be clean here).

second the 'impending blindness'

third the 'numbness in hands and feet'

none of which he updates, details or alludes to.

none of which he provides evidence of.

his 'mission from God'

his approval from 'a person in the Vatican'

his ability to know how many Muslims are terrorists just by 'reading and praying'

his admitted claims that

he's a 'rodeo clown'

he could 'care less about politics'

he's 'only in it for the money'

his program is 'just an entertainm­ent program'

my. . .the ignorance in the country IS rather swelling, isn't it. . ?

i could go on and on, but all this has been documented in his own words, on his radio station, cable show and elsewhere.

and let's not forget the Vick's-dep­endent crocodile tears. . .he should try Mentholatu­m some time; but hen again, it's not as pungent as Vick's. . .
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