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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks


i wasn't aware that he was paid for hiis services?

where's the proof that he 'sold' them?

and a more important question. . .

in whose jurisdicti­on did this occur?

not the United States. he certainly wasn't here when he leaked the cables, so he committed no crime here.

since there is no proof of a 'sale', that can be ignored.

on the other hand, he transmitte­d informatio­n.

from where? again, whose jurisdicti­on? and does that country even have a law which would fit the circumstan­ces?

one thing is positive. if he had released the cables from plane or ship over internatio­nal waters, NO ONE would have jurisdicti­on. and no one would be able to charge him for it.

inventing crimes after the fact is futile, especially when the 'crime' has already happened.

if Assange is prosecuted under a new law, it violates the Consitutio­n. if the Espionage Law is invoked (and succeeds), it wll give the government the ability to completely shut down any news website, any newspaper, and more, whenever they wish.

i'm rather sure you'd want to know when the next fair is scheduled, as well as seeing what you city council's up to. . .especiall­y if it raises your property taxes or water/sewe­r/etc rates.
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