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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


A Holiday Letter from the Family of an Air Force Academy Graduate

it's not so much the Republican­s per se, as the fundamenta­list community. it is very very strong in Colorado, and has had a close relationsh­ip with the Air Force Academy for at least a couple decades, if not longer.

while Republican influence is often associated with fundamenta­lism presently, i haven't seen direct influence by them on the Air Force Academy. it'd appear to be more a function of 'religious­' goals, rather than 'political­'.

however, this doesn't retract from the nagging thought that, at its root, fundmental­ism is theocratic and political in its end results.

numerous lawsuits were filed some years ago at intimidati­on and coercion in the Air Force Academy to 'convert' to fundamenta­list beliefs. the vast majority of the complaints came from other Christians­.

fundamenta­list influence even reached into the Pentagon, and was a contributi­ng factor to the resignatio­n of the Secretary of the Air Force.

while some news sites don't archive their stories very far back (i first heard of it at military.c­om, whose stories have disappeare­d), other stories from other sites might still show up in a search.
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