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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


What Do Sarah Palin and Marie Antoinette Have in Common?

the Constituti­on doesn't matter to Sarah Palin; she's a Christian Dominionis­t.

as for "where in the Constituti­­on is the government granted the authority to infringe on our right to be obese?", one can say that you have the right to suicide, too. however, there are laws against attempting or aiding suicide as such, if you don't count terminal injuries and illnesses.

you can probably find what you're looking for in the Preamble of the Constituti­on: "We the People of the United States. . .promote the general Welfare. . ."

that "Welfare" would probably include health, physical and mental, though nothing's been done since 1980 to improve mental health. . .

Article I Section 8 gives Congress the power to 'provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States. . .'

if they wanted, they could apply that as well as they have the Commerce clause.

if we don't have a healthy population­, we really won't have a 'Defence', either, in any conflict. and, while such a choice may or may not be right for you, i don't care to see sickly kids who may suffer the consequenc­es of bad eating habits.

there's already an epidemic of Type 2 diabetes among kids. i lost a leg to it 19 months ago, and i'll be losing my other foot soon. wouldn't want any kids to end up that way.

children aren't adults. they need real guidance and protection from real dangers. disease is one of thoose real dangers.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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