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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


GOP Actions Often Defied What Most Americans Want On Key Issues Tackled During Lame Duck Session

my life doesn't matter. it could be better, but i had my fun. and, now and then, i still do.

if you have kids, the kids are what's important. mine have grown up educated and well-adjus­ted, and each one is doing better in the past few years than i did in all my life combined. they are their own people, not reflection­s of me or anyone else.

to me, that's what's important. no one can be called a parent if they don't wish that for their kids.

and please keep in mind i'm not defending the Congress, not by a long shot. i'm just saying it can be done. if necessary.

there wouldn't be a necessity except for the actions and inactions of Congress, and the past ten years' events.

and i've had third jobs, as well, now and then. i'm not as good as my father was. the thing is, people are being faced with choices, none of which are good. the problem is in finding out the best of those bad choices and making it.

for some, there may literally be no choice. depending on location and circumstan­ces, there may literally be nothing.

one could surmise that demographi­cs would then change, as they did during the Dust Bowl era of the Great Depression­, with people moving to other parts of the country which might hold jobs.

it may yet happen, if it hasn't already started.
About Lame Duck Session
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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