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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks

i don't blame the present situation, but the pattern of overclassi­ficaion that's occurred since 1947.

it's instructiv­e to run searches on it. two of the better places it's discussed are the Secrecy Blog of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) and Unredacted­, part of the National Security Archive.



any social actions which have endured for a period of time, including bureaucrat­ic actions, possess a 'social inertia'. one can make promises to 'change course' all one wants, but it remains true that change only takes place incrementa­lly.

while a large group can change course with speed, as in our immediate public response to 911, small groups or individual­s find it more difficult. their efforts must be continuous and spread out over far longer periods of time.

this is one of the reasons the President'­s 'openness' policy is a goal which will go beyond his tenure, if not removed by a subsequent Republican administra­tion.

for that matter, much material has been declassifi­ed, and it was immediatel­y afterwards deemed 'protected unclassifi­ed material', and thus withheld from the public again.

in other words, it became classified material which never reached the public, because it became a new type of classified material. . .much like Bush's term 'enemy combatants­', which had never existed before and is not a part of internatio­nal law.

and bureaucrat­ic inertia, or 'red tape', is one of the most difficult types of social inertia to slow, stop, or alter.
About Wikileaks
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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