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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Glenn Beck Hypothetically Calls For Fareed Zakaria's Death (AUDIO)

if what you say is true, then it's VERY true that they wouldn't have that hate, except for the way our government and our policies have treated them.

we supported and created what was to become al Qaeda. we created the Taliban with the Pakistani ISI. we removed a democratic­ally elected leader in Iran and replaced him with a dictator, who oppressed his people so badly they revolted and became a theocracy. we supported the Ba'ath party, which led to to our ally Saddam Hussein taking power. we've helped set up dictators in Central Asia as well, regardless of their crimes against the population­.

we have continuall­y assisted in overthrowi­ng government­s across the world and setting up puppet dictators, because they're easier to deal with than democraic government­s.

each and every time we have done so, our actions have lead to oppression and death among the people. and when we tire of our puppets, we take them out, if the people themselves don't do it first. (ex: Noriega and Hussein).

besides, the vast majority of Muslims aren't Arabic in ethnicity, yet some people classify ALL Muslims--A­frican, European, Asian, South American, etc)--as 'the enemy'.

is it any wonder that people hate our government and its policies? is it any wonder that approval for the American PEOPLE, which has always been high up to 2003, is now a shadow of what it once was? is it any wonder that resentment­, anger and far more are present in these people?
About Glenn Beck
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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