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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Glenn Beck Hypothetically Calls For Fareed Zakaria's Death (AUDIO)

however, there is no freedom to express a constant stream of threats, towards the President, the First Family, a political party, or individual­s.

a gunshot can kill in an instant, and the shooter can be charged with murder. slow doses of arsenic spread out over time can also kill, and the one responsibl­e for the poisoning of another by such means can also be charged with murder. same principle.

it doesn't matter that his comments are spread out over large periods of time. if the pattern can be proved, regardless of 'i said do it, but don't do it', he's still liable; at a minimum, in civil court, where evidentiar­y laws are less sringent.

one little item that's forgotten: recordings and copies can be made in real-time by video and audio, as well as by the words transmitte­d in print or over the internet.

acts of violence have already occurred due to the words of this false messiah. those who record his public statements are gathering evidence, which may be used in court to prove that he does indeed promote not only violence, but sedition.
About Glenn Beck
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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