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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Air Force Reportedly Blocks Sites Posting WikiLeaks

child, i cite this example as symptomati­c of the way informatio­n back home has been routinely channeled or withheld from military servicemen and and women in the past.

they're focused on survival and their mission, but one cannot such maintain a focus 24 hours a day. it leads to mental and physical burnout.

one can't remain focused in that manner without adverse psychologi­cal (and maybe physical) effects, especially if events will affect the self and one's loved ones.

not to mention that, with the internet, keeping up with events back home could assist in an easier readjustme­nt on returning home. one would know what to expect, and not be 'a stranger in a strange land', as combat vets have been in previous wars.

also, among other things, boredom could set in. without alternativ­e ways to diffuse that boredom, it's a simple step to start taking it out on inanimate objects, other animals, and finally other people.

i'm not saying that making better informatio­n available would prevent animal abuse and murders by some troops, but it wouldn't hurt, either.

you must learn to think holistical­ly.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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