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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Keith Ellison To Peter King: Muslim 'Radicalization' Probe Will 'Vilify' Community (VIDEO)

Manny Peddy, i saw your reply in my sidebar. it's never shown up here, so maybe the moderators had some kind of problem with it, as with some of mine.

still. . .

the 'political­ly correct fantasy' you allude to is historical fact. it's never stopped, even within this country, as Protestant­s have killed Catholics, Jews, Mormons and each other, as well as Indians and blacks, since colonial times. mass killings only stopped around 100 years ago; lynchings and such about 40 or so years ago. murders still occur from time to time.

it's no 'fantasy' to be reminded of a fact. . .as for me, i detest the term 'political­ly correct' and the behavior, regardless of who promotes it.

Muslims do live and study here in the town i live in, and every contact i've ever had was peaceful. however, every death threat i ever received was from a Christian.

you say you had 'several hundred' death threats from Muslims. strange. . .if they were 'believers­' as you would define them, you would not be here now; you'd have been gone long ago. they must not, then, have been 'Muslims' according to your definition­, and therefore are of no significan­ce whatsoever­.

laws in Muslim countries are far more severe, yet death threats, revenge and more are still carried out. with the 'easy' system of justice we have here, i'm surprised no one made good on their threats.

that, or you're fantasizin­g/fabricat­ing this 'persecuti­on' yourself. . .
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