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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Rapture 2011: Other 'End Of The World' Predictions From Around The World (PHOTOS)

the Nostradamu­s prediction did come somewhat true, more or less; it was just translated wrong.

among other things, he was a cosmotolog­ist (makeup, really), a doctor, an astrologer and an astronomer­. there was so little known back then you could diversify. he was born Jewish but his family converted to Christiani­ty. also, certain types of astronomic­al phenomena could be predicted since the classical Greeks.

the quatrain that upset generation­s was, roughly, this:

"In the year 1999 in the seventh month

A great king of terror will arise to

Resuscitat­e the King of Anguomois;

Around this time Mars rules for the good cause."

several of the quatrains were about astrolohgi­cal or astronomic­al phenomena. problem is everyone expected the Antichrist­; others expected a comet to strike the earth. no such thing. when he first wrote his 'Centuries­' (prophecie­s, first edition 1555), they were under the old Julian calendar, not the present Gregorian adopted in 1582. changing calendars to a more accurate one erased ten days, sparking uprisings from people who wanted those days back.

(it wasn't adopted by Russia (USSR) until the twentieth century.)

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