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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Afghanistan War IEDs Cause Surge In Double Amputees Among U.S. War Wounded

they pay. in a lot of ways. some have been deported. some came home to find their homes had been taken away. some are psychologi­cally scarred and rejected for the rest of their lives. some can't find jobs. unable to readjust, some break and end up in prison, if they're not killed first.

what's gone on at home with the economy, unemployme­nt, etc is blasphemou­s, but they pay every bit as much--and often more--than you'd dream. i'm no supporter of any of our wars, but the vets are victimized as well. you should read history; possibly the only time veterans received a fair shake was at the end of World War II. in just about every other conflict, from the Revolution­ary War to now, they've been taken advantage of and discarded when no longer useful.
About Afghanistan
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