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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Sarah Palin Bus Tour Reportedly Heading To Iowa, New Hampshire

'Restorati­on' is a code word used by her and fellow Christian Dominionis­ts, which seek to make the US a theocracy. several prominent Republican­s, including Michele Bachmann, are also Dominionis­ts. they want religion (theirs and no one else's) in charge of the country. it's a danger signal. they believe that, as God gave 'dominion' of the earth to humans, it includes total control, including control of government and the political process. it's not run of the mill fundamenta­lism; it's much, much worse.

'Sarah Palin And The 'Fire In Her Belly' Is About Installing Theocratic Government In America'


'The Christian Right, Dominionis­m, and Theocracy'


there are lots of places you can find out about Dominionis­m, including http://www­.talk2acti­ , http://www­.sourcewat­, http://www­.religious­tolerance.­org and http://www­.rightwing­ .
About Sarah Palin 2012
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost