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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Florida's Bestiality Law May Have Accidentally Outlawed Sex Entirely

i've no doubt it comes from multiple sources. the Kinsey Report on Sexuality in the 1950's revealed that a significan­t portion of males living on or near farms admitted to having sex with animals. although farms are increasing­ly fading (a fifth or sixth of 1950's levels), i've no doubt it still happens.

there are extreme versions of 'pronz' that include animals, up to this day, and are offered as a speciality on the net. someone does these films. there is a market for it.

culture itself, and attitudes towards women, can play a role as well. when it's perceived that a woman is 'too holy', or 'too impure', and access is limited by strict cultural or religious law, sex with boys or animals becomes a default.

i worked with my local police department for three decades. we have an anti-besti­ality law in my state, as do many others. however, during that time, we had reports of incidents including sheep, cows and horses. in the mid-70's, during my military service, i became aware of incidents including dogs.

it's a form of animal abuse, and a health hazard as well. several diseases can conceivabl­y be passed from one to the other by sexual contact. fortunatel­y it's not that prevalent. i think.

i believe this was a good-faith attempt which went awry. i had hoped it'd pass this time.
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