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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Fidel Castro Resigns: Brother Raul Named Cuba Communist Party Head (VIDEO)

and we had missiles in Turkey aimed at the Soviets, before they ever put anything in Cuba.

Castro sided with the Soviets to protect Cuba against the United States. He saw what had happened in Puerto Rico and elsewhere. Batista had been our puppet dictator there, until he fell out of favor, like Saddam Hussein, Khadaffi and so many others.

siding with the Soviets made sure we didn't do to Cuba what had happened elsewhere in Latin America, repeatedly invading, occupying and setting up dictators, making the countries subservien­t to corporate interests.

i have no love for Castro, but this is a sign that things are changing. it's not 1962 any more.

in case you think we're that lily-white­, here's something you might want to check: a Congressio­nal Research Service paper on our use of the armed forces abroad, from 1798 to 2010:


you can get the details behind some of these incidents at 'Making the World Safe for Hypocrisy' at


it's all documented history, available on the net and in print. several of the books in my library confirm some of the stories. fortunatel­y/unfortun­ately, it only goes up to 1951.
About Cuba
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