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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Fidel Castro Resigns: Brother Raul Named Cuba Communist Party Head (VIDEO)

we wanted Cuba as a possession­, like Puerto Rico. we wanted to control it, as we'd done with the applicatio­n of the Monroe Doctrine to business interests throughout Latin America (it's also how we got Hawaii).

in 1945 the great Nazi demon was gone; to maintain the military-i­ndustrial complex we needed another Satan to fight. the USSR & Communism served that purpose, from 1947 to 1991.

when Castro decided to side with the USSR in protection against us, it dashed a lot of dreams, especially dreams of money and empire. Cuba was therefore singled out among all other Communist states for its 'betrayal' to the United States.
About Cuba
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