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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Robert Gates' Pentagon Legacy: Unfinished Wars, Unfinished Budget Reform

Gates was called in because little Bush had, as always, screwed up; and although he claimed he obeyed a 'Higher Father', every time he got into trouble he ran back to Daddy.

i'm neither Democrat nor Republican­, but i would rather have had Gates in change from 2000 on, since he would have put a brake, if not a halt, to many of Cheney's and Georgie's schemes. he has more sense in his little finger than 'unknown unknowns' Rumsfeld had in his whole body.

he has repeatedly tried to make cuts in Defense and get rid of worthless programs. he's been opposed every step of the way by Congress. and it makes sense to make drastic cuts; he's affirmed himself that we spend more on 'defense' than the rest of the world put together, easily confirmed by a little research. that one fact in itself is symptomati­c of a national psychosis.

his run may not have been perfect--a­nd, of course, he's definitely not a shining knight himself--b­ut i'd prefer him to several of the past SecDefs we've had.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost