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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Obama's Birth Certificate Through The Eyes Of A Birther (PICTURE)

if i 'name-call­ed', i'd be calling him a lot worse than i have, and i'd be banned. he's definitely narcissist­ic, judging from his behavior before and during his foray into politics. he wants attention as much as Palin or Beck do, and can't live without getting attention in any way he can. he's contribute­d nothing original and used other peoples' talking points, including the birthers.

i stand by what i say: he also has shown no proof of the 'amazing' things his so-called 'investiga­tors' have found.

as for 'giving in', people cannot make informed decisions if they're not informed. they're not informed when they can be sidetracke­d by Lindsay Lohan, Glee, Twilight or Donald Trump. much as i detest Twilight, Trump is even below that. he is nothing but noise. even the Republican House, in their opposition to Obama, stand for something. they may lie, they may tell the truth, but they don't spout BS.

this issue was not going to go away until Obama decided to end it. now that it's over, they'll fall back on other conspiraci­es, with Joe McCarthy Jr leading the way. and, as usual, he won't SHOW any 'proof' of his accusation­s. he'll just accuse and insinuate, as he has done for some weeks now. he won't show proof of anything.

Trump has shown himself to be worthless, a paper tiger.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost