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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


World's Most Water Stressed Countries: Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen Facing Extreme Shortages (PHOTOS)

keep an eye open, folks. this is what the coming wars will be coming from. not so much oil, politics, religion, or ideology. just pure survival.

it takes a lot of water to grow crops. takes lots more to grow meat for consumptio­n. a body can get by without meat. one can go for days without eating. but one cannot live without fresh water.

India and Pakistan have come close to war over glacial runoff water in the Himalayas. Lake Chad, which was once an inland sea of Africa, has almost disappeare­d. the Aral Sea has been shrinking.

Arizona, California­, and Nevada have been involved in water disputes of late, and it's been said that southern California wouldn't exist save for Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam. aquifiers aren't being replenishe­d quickly enough by rainwater or runoff.

plenty of water in the world, but it's almost all salt water, and desaliniza­tion is very expensive.

this is a growing worldwide problem, although the countries noted are among the worst off.
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