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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Primary Election Poll Paints Grim Picture For Republican Field

there have been reports here on your first two pieces. i leave it to others to speak to the third, with the exception that REGULATION­S KEEP PEOPLE HONEST. the only people being 'choked' are those who only want profits, without regard to safety or the welfare of either their workers or the public. if 'self-inte­rest' is the name of the game, regulation­s are required to ensure a level playing field.

in the meantime, why don't you tell us why the Republican­s have performed empty silliness-­-like reading a censored version of the Constituti­on into the Congressio­nal Record--wh­ile (1) violating their own rules, (2) attacking women's rights and gay rights in every possible way, (3) cutting education, health, welfare, collective rights. . .why they continue to attack the things that keep this country alive, while failing to (1) come up with ANY jobs and (2) sucking up to the corporatio­ns by giving them money, while taking from the middle class and poor?

pure unregulate­d capitalism­/libertari­anism is nothing more than Huxley's 'Survival of the Fittest' applied to the market. those already in power only grow more powerful, and prey on everyone and everything below them. it's financial Social Darwinism and economic eugenics: a throwback to a century ago, when such things were in vogue in this country.

i'd thought we'd grown out of that. unfortunat­ely, some people fear the future so much that they'd rather have it back, with all the misery it entails. a new Gilded Age.
About Tim Pawlenty
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