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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Anwar Al-Awlaki Targeted In U.S. Drone Strike

we fight them with GOOD intel. we fight them by making sure local police are effective. (they know the area and the people and everything else; that's why they're targets in Afghanista­n and Iraq). we fight them with special ops teams: Seals, Delta Force, the best of the best. we fight them by showing them--thro­ugh diplomacy and politics--­that they have more to live for by leaving the group than by staying, being hunted and killed. AND IT MUST BE REAL AND SINCERE.

Yemen is a Second Amendment paradise. virtually everyone is armed, usually with semiautoma­tics. there's a lot of poor and disaffecte­d, and a lot of angry young men with guns.

unfortunat­ely, most of them don't like the USA.

Yemen is made up of two separate countries that combined some time back; afterwards oil was found in the south. they don't think they're getting their share. and their leader has been playing hide the salami with them for a while. some Yemeni terrorist groups have attacked Saudi Arabia, who in turn invaded Yemen. it's even a worse powderkeg than Afghanista­n, which is why drones are being used there. the Yemeni government allowed us to help against al Qaeda, but they have to work with their own people, as well. it has to go both ways.­is much is from memory and i'm starting to get sleepy. it's at least a partial answer.
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