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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Anwar Al-Awlaki Targeted In U.S. Drone Strike

thank you, Ember, but i'm not that worthy. i never saw combat, i didn't stay in very long. . .and looking back, i could have done much better.

my oldest nephew is career Army, having done several tours in Iraq and now in Afghanista­n, although he's not infantry either. the nature of both of those conflicts is that EVERYONE in theater is essentiall­y a combat soldier, due to IEDs, suicide bombings and surprise attacks. in other conflicts, things were more straightfo­rward, but this has been mismanaged for a long time and i don't see any way it can be dealt with easily.

me, i want all our people home. i want them taken care of.

there are numerous 'GWOT' vets who are untreated for PTSD or worse; many are homeless. some had their homes taken away while they were gone. some vets, including combat vets, are being deported. and there are still the broken promises and evasions and problems and outright lies towards the combat vets of earlier conflicts.

the end of WWII was possibly the only time in US History that vets were fully honored. usually it's been the reverse.

i admit my ignorance in virtually everything­. but i refuse to go beating my chest like a gorilla, proclaimin­g "We're number one!", while there is so much in this country that needs to be corrected.

our treatment of veterans is one aspect of this, only one, which i believe all citizens should remain cognizant of.

thanks again. . .
About Terrorism
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