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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Fidel Castro Resigns: Brother Raul Named Cuba Communist Party Head (VIDEO)

An era has passed, whether the mass of the American people remember it or not.

I remember when Castro was as big a bugaboo as Khruschev. I remember the Bay of Pigs, a failed invasion of Cuba. I remember veiled hints of assassinat­ion attempts we made against Castro.

I remember November 1962, when we came as close to total nuclear war than we ever have since. What was not known for some forty years after was that some of the Soviet submarines near Cuba had nuclear missiles, which would have been fired upon the United States had hostilitie­s commenced. It was almost like something out of 'Fail-Safe­' or 'Dr Strangelov­e'.

That holocaust was averted. Khruschev removed his missiles from Cuba, we removed ours from Turkey.

From that time to now, Castro remained the sole power in Cuba, while we voted Presidents into and out of office. Regardless of party, they maintained a hard line against Cuba.

In the past few years, some reforms, however little, have made their way into Cuba. Religion revealed itself as still strong when Pope John Paul II visited the island.

Little by little, the wall erected between Cuba and the United States has been crumbling. This is the biggest crack in that wall yet.

Change is coming to Cuba, however slowly. We must assist and help with that change, where possible, without being heavy-hand­ed, without self-promo­tion or self-congr­atulations­. Almost fifty years of blind hatred can and should come to an end.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost