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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Robert Decheine, Rep. Steve Rothman's Chief Of Staff, Fired After Arrest For Soliciting Sex From Minor

DAE, i agree with the biological basis, but in this matter, i believe it has to do more with power and dominance rather than sex. among 'normal' (heterosexual) rapists, there's a subset called the 'power rapist'. they don't get sexual pleasure out of rape, but instead get a rush, a feeling of power and a reassertion of their importance. . .an ego boost. this is often the case with rapists who prey on older women.

i suspect it's the same thing in this nut's case. i speak from personal experience with some of these jerks. a child , even an adolescent, is weaker than a grown man, and in many cases could be rendered personally powerless, just as an elderly woman could.

the same thing's seen in other species when an upper member of the hierarchy mounts--sy­mbolically or realistica­lly--anoth­er member of the same sex, but lower on the ladder. it's a reassertion of that invdividual's power and position within the hierarchy.
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