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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


U.S, South Korea War Games To Go On After Deadly North Korea Shelling [UPDATE: South Korean Military Reports Artillery Fire]

to be honest, i wouldn't know. one of the unstated geostrateg­ic/geopoli­tical reasons for our being in Afghanistan may be that we can cool things down between India and Pakistan, both nuclear powers. global warming has already increased tensions; some years ago, they nearly came to war over some of the Himalayan glaciers that supply fresh water.

and, from what i've read recently via the Strategic Studies Institute, it'd appear that India is no longer as strong on its 'No Nukes First' policy as it had been.

parts of Pakistan are underdeveloped, and people live as they have for millennia. yet there are other places which are modern. . .although it is a nuclear country, there are still territories which are trbal and beyond the direct influence of the national government. i'd suspect that, in those places, tribalism is more important than Islam, as it is in Afghanistan.

Musharraff might have been a result of military rule in Pakistan, but his successor seems to have a weaker hold on the population. regardless of their protestations, i still believe segments of the ISI are actively working against the Pakistani government, and to our detriment.

one thing is for sure. . .these continued, unauthorized attacks into Pakistan, killing civilians, is not endearing us to the Pakistani population. by those actions we're breeding new terrorists, as surely as we did during the Cheney-Rumsfield years.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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