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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


WikiLeaks: Israel Iran Stance Vindicated, Says Netanyahu

The documents also said officials in Jordan and Bahrain have openly called for Iran's nuclear program to be stopped by any means and that leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt referred to Iran "as `evil,' an `existenti­al threat' and a power that `is going to take us to war.'"


it's my ignorant and uninformed opinion that an unspoken factor in the assessment of other Arab states toowards Iran derives from its being the only Shia Muslim state.

Iraq, while mostly Shia, shares its borders with Sunni Muslims and Kurds.

virtually all other Muslim states are predominan­tly Sunni; and, as seen after the Iraqi invasion, Sunni and Shia don't like each other that much.

the danger in Iran becoming a regional power--wit­h or without nukes--is that a Shia state would become a serious player on the world scene, something heretofore unknown. Islam started in Saudi Arabia, the predominan­t Muslim power, from which Islam was spread around the world. and Saudi Arabia's Sunni.

i've said before that one of the reasons Iran might seek nukes is protection from the Sunni states. while there's no direct confirmati­on that religion is a factor, there appears to be far more than a little circumstan­tial eviidence to support it.

especially if Israel or the United States were to do the 'dirty work', so that Sunni Muslim states could remain 'clean' in the eyes of the world. let the infidels destroy the heretics, etc, etc. . .
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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