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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


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as i have stated elsewhere, the definition of a 'sex crime' varies from place to place, even in the United States.

for instance, in some states a person is a legal adult at 17 instead of 18.

sex prior to the age of 18 in most states could be considered statutory rape, but not where the adult age is 17. and there are exceptions­, depending on the state and circumstan­ces, going down to 13.

they'll have to be changed in time, because puberty is hitting girls earlier and earlier. . .and i believe the current median age is 9. biology will tell, and lawmakers should start thinking about it.

the concept of adolesence is only 100 years old or so, itself.

now. . .Sweden's laws are even less like ours. while Scandinavi­an countries do have more freedom towards sexual activity compared to the USA, there may be a price to be paid.

as i understand it, for instance, one could be charged with rape in Sweden for not wearing a condom.

in this country--a­nd many Catholic countries-­-that wouldn't hold.

our prisons are already crowded enough.

please realize that in many cases, our defintion of 'criminal' may differ from that of another country.

they can be entirely different, depending upon the time and place.
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