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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


U.S, South Korea War Games To Go On After Deadly North Korea Shelling [UPDATE: South Korean Military Reports Artillery Fire]

this doesn't seem to jibe with what i've read of the PNAC plan. its focus was on the MidEast, Central Asia and their oil, among other things.

i think North Korea's a wild card where they're concerned.

but the country (North Korea) is unstable, with an unstable leadership, and the ultimate instability. . .nukes. they don't need a fictional Jack D Ripper; their leader has the role.

this is like having to deal with Vietnam Vets having violent flashbacks. also like dealing with an MPD, never knowing if there's a violent personality locked inside.

i've dealt with both, and it's a problem. instability means anything can happen, and i doubt the neocons have had a contingency plan for this kinda thing.
About South Korea
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