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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


U.S. case against WikiLeaks' Assange will be hard
Joe Rehyansky: Allow Lesbians To Serve In Order To Give 'Straight Male GIs A Fair Shot At Converting' Them
Joe Scarborough Hits Sarah Palin In Op-Ed

WikiLeaks Cablegate LIVE Updates

as i have stated elsewhere, the definition of a 'sex crime' varies from place to place, even in the United States.

for instance, in some states a person is a legal adult at 17 instead of 18.

sex prior to the age of 18 in most states could be considered statutory rape, but not where the adult age is 17. and there are exceptions­, depending on the state and circumstan­ces, going down to 13.

they'll have to be changed in time, because puberty is hitting girls earlier and earlier. . .and i believe the current median age is 9. biology will tell, and lawmakers should start thinking about it.

the concept of adolesence is only 100 years old or so, itself.

now. . .Sweden's laws are even less like ours. while Scandinavi­an countries do have more freedom towards sexual activity compared to the USA, there may be a price to be paid.

as i understand it, for instance, one could be charged with rape in Sweden for not wearing a condom.

in this country--a­nd many Catholic countries-­-that wouldn't hold.

our prisons are already crowded enough.

please realize that in many cases, our defintion of 'criminal' may differ from that of another country.

they can be entirely different, depending upon the time and place.
About Wikileaks
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Meet The Press Meets Space Ghost

Wikileaks Cables Reveal Deep Repercussions of Bush Torture Policy

yes, i remember the separation of powers.

and Congress, while they can investigat­e, MAKES law.

the Execeutive Branch, which is under the authority of the President, EXECUTES and ENFORCES the laws.

Congress can find out any little thing they want to, but it is ultimately the President and his Branch which has to make sure the laws are enforced.

THEY put people in jail. not Congress.

i learned that decades ago. so much for 'knee-jerk­'.

please read the Constituti­on. carefully.

there are very few things i blame Obama for, but this is one of them.

i stand by my words.
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Police: Vt. man killed in prank when real gun used by accident
The Rise of Web Censorship
Congressman says Wikileaks is a terrorist group
Facebook infested with new worm; More proof site is insecure?
The Race to Fix the Classification System
McCain: Discuss NKorea 'Regime Change'
Tea Party, Cut the DoD Budget
Could the Marines Get F-35Cs? | Defense Tech
Senior NCO Busted for Unauthorized Medals
WikiLeaks: US diplomats make fun of EU leaders, spy on EU citizens
Archaeology: The Amazing Vikings
"The superior man seeks what is right; the inferior one, what is proftable." - Kung-Fu-Tzu (Confucius)


WikiLeaks U.S. Embassy Cables: New Documents Released

better than being a hypocrite.

and he's no criminal in the eyes of many, including some government­s.

i know this country has done wrong in the past. if it does wrong, i don't want talking points. i don't want partisansh­ip, from either side. i don't want 'let's pretend it never happened'.

i want the truth.

guess you just don't like truth.

that way your pretend view of the world is protected.
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Nu Shooz - Point Of No Return 1986
Nu Shooz - "I Can't Wait" video
Nu Shooz - Should I Say Yes (Mantronik Ultimix).wmv

WikiLeaks: Israel Iran Stance Vindicated, Says Netanyahu

The documents also said officials in Jordan and Bahrain have openly called for Iran's nuclear program to be stopped by any means and that leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt referred to Iran "as `evil,' an `existenti­al threat' and a power that `is going to take us to war.'"


it's my ignorant and uninformed opinion that an unspoken factor in the assessment of other Arab states toowards Iran derives from its being the only Shia Muslim state.

Iraq, while mostly Shia, shares its borders with Sunni Muslims and Kurds.

virtually all other Muslim states are predominan­tly Sunni; and, as seen after the Iraqi invasion, Sunni and Shia don't like each other that much.

the danger in Iran becoming a regional power--wit­h or without nukes--is that a Shia state would become a serious player on the world scene, something heretofore unknown. Islam started in Saudi Arabia, the predominan­t Muslim power, from which Islam was spread around the world. and Saudi Arabia's Sunni.

i've said before that one of the reasons Iran might seek nukes is protection from the Sunni states. while there's no direct confirmati­on that religion is a factor, there appears to be far more than a little circumstan­tial eviidence to support it.

especially if Israel or the United States were to do the 'dirty work', so that Sunni Muslim states could remain 'clean' in the eyes of the world. let the infidels destroy the heretics, etc, etc. . .
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WikiLeaks U.S. Embassy Cables: New Documents Released

there's nothing cowardly about it.

when government­s across the world seek to silence you and yours for presenting truth, it's prudent to be cautious in your dealings, and secretive as well. government­s have numerous ways of 'taking care' of someone, regardless of how 'free' their respective nations are.

keeping secrets from the people is, in my opinion, a crime, when it comes to a nation's leadership and what it does 'in the name of the people'.

only the most very sensitive and important informmati­on should be classified­. unfortunat­ely, the most routine things have been classified or overclassi­fied for no good reason.

back in the 70's in the Marines, my MOS was working with classified info, so i can say that much is true. it's gotten far, far worse since then.

and a very large part of classifica­tion is CYA, because they don't want the adverse publicity.

Wikileaks, whether its motives are good or bad, exposes the hypocrisy of government­s and their players, revealing that they put on their pants one leg at a time and use toilets like anyone else.

these people being exposed are being exposed for being human: they not always right, they're not always wrong. they're as confused and misinforme­d as you or i or anyone else, and they're struggling to make sense of what's going on.

some of them have never grown up.

if you prefer to believe fantasies, then Assange and Wikileaks are 'criminals­'. not to people who wish to see and confront the truth.
About Wikileaks
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'Hey, baby. . .where do you come from?' Well, she looked at me and smiled, and looked into space, and said, 'I'm coming from the land of the New Rising Sun. . .'- Jimi Hendrix


WikiLeaks U.S. Embassy Cables: New Documents Released
A giant has died this day: Leslie Nielsen of the 'Forbidden Planet', 'Airplane' and 'Naked Gun' movies. . .
Leslie Nielsen of 'Naked Gun' fame dies at age 84
Nigeria detains 12 in Halliburton bribery case
Maliki wants foreign troops out of Iraq
Patriotism or Nationalism? - Truth is Treason
TSA, DHS Label Anyone Who “Objects, Interferes” With Screenings as “Domestic Extremist” in New Directive - Truth is Treason
Smile, if you're in downtown Houston
Judge sends 2 Benning protesters to prison
MySpace surrenders to Facebook in battle of social networks
Israel army using Facebook to catch draft-dodgers
Classified Papers Prove German Warnings to Bush

U.S, South Korea War Games To Go On After Deadly North Korea Shelling [UPDATE: South Korean Military Reports Artillery Fire]

this doesn't seem to jibe with what i've read of the PNAC plan. its focus was on the MidEast, Central Asia and their oil, among other things.

i think North Korea's a wild card where they're concerned.

but the country (North Korea) is unstable, with an unstable leadership, and the ultimate instability. . .nukes. they don't need a fictional Jack D Ripper; their leader has the role.

this is like having to deal with Vietnam Vets having violent flashbacks. also like dealing with an MPD, never knowing if there's a violent personality locked inside.

i've dealt with both, and it's a problem. instability means anything can happen, and i doubt the neocons have had a contingency plan for this kinda thing.
About South Korea
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U.S, South Korea War Games To Go On After Deadly North Korea Shelling [UPDATE: South Korean Military Reports Artillery Fire]

to be honest, i wouldn't know. one of the unstated geostrateg­ic/geopoli­tical reasons for our being in Afghanistan may be that we can cool things down between India and Pakistan, both nuclear powers. global warming has already increased tensions; some years ago, they nearly came to war over some of the Himalayan glaciers that supply fresh water.

and, from what i've read recently via the Strategic Studies Institute, it'd appear that India is no longer as strong on its 'No Nukes First' policy as it had been.

parts of Pakistan are underdeveloped, and people live as they have for millennia. yet there are other places which are modern. . .although it is a nuclear country, there are still territories which are trbal and beyond the direct influence of the national government. i'd suspect that, in those places, tribalism is more important than Islam, as it is in Afghanistan.

Musharraff might have been a result of military rule in Pakistan, but his successor seems to have a weaker hold on the population. regardless of their protestations, i still believe segments of the ISI are actively working against the Pakistani government, and to our detriment.

one thing is for sure. . .these continued, unauthorized attacks into Pakistan, killing civilians, is not endearing us to the Pakistani population. by those actions we're breeding new terrorists, as surely as we did during the Cheney-Rumsfield years.
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'Decision Points' Review: 'New Yorker' Blasts George Bush Book

i don't doubt some things have gotten worse, but it started with the pretend cowboy from Connecticut.

the nature of power is that is very grudgingly given up voluntarily. by anyone, including you or me.

after the Revolution, some people wanted George Washington to become king. he declined, though he would have had the whole army behind him. no one could have stopped him. but he rejected it.

before the election, a friend of mine expressed how much he hoped Obama would win, and how everything Bush had done would be reversed.

i told him at that time that Obama was human. one of the things about being human is that, if you are given a certain amount of power, you are naturally loathe to give it up. there are very, very few people who are capable of rejecting such power as Bush took for himself and any successors.

and i reminded him that Obama might be a good guy, but he wasn't George Washington.

it'd seem i was proven right on that, so your 'hypocrisy' comment makes no sense.

you assume i'm for one or the other.

a choice between cattle and sheep isn't my way.
About George Bush Book
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Glenn Beck’s George Soros shows:
The Presidential memoirs of George W. Bush, review:


"Where did you come from, baby dear? Out of the Everywhere into the Here. . ." - George MacDonald, 'At The Back Of The North Wind'
Death by a Thousand Cuts - By Daveed Gartenstein-Ross | Foreign Policy
The Misunderestimation of Sarah Palin
The Christian Right in Context, Part 3: Politics Over Persuasion
Conservatives Reject Vatican Explanation On Condoms
Warrant for WikiLeaks founder condemned
Baathists may use WikiLeaks to sue US over 'illegal occupation'
Obama Administration Weighs Indefinite Detention
"To jealousy, nothing is more frightful than laughter." - Francoise Sagan
"To jealousy, nothing is more frightful than laughter." - Francoise Sagan


Mike Huckabee wants First Family to be TSA screened. His son got caught bringing gun on a plane
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Abadon's Bolero
Assembly Pushes to Oust Iran President
Take a Pebble - Emerson, Lake & Palmer 1/2
ELP - Tank
Hoedown - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Mine Ban Treaty by the Numbers
PoliceLink's Best Of: Stupid Criminals
wronging rights
Landmark Trial on Rape as Weapon of War Opens at ICC
TrendSettaz Ft Nina Sky - Move Ya Body [ Video Remix ]
The Dumbest Thing You Will Read About the War In Afghanistan
Threat of Nuclear Weapons Demands Action, Not Politicking
Security researcher: I keep getting detained by feds
Cybersecurity bill gives DHS power to punish tech firms
US to Expand Traffic on Northern Supply Route
EMERSON LAKE & PALMER - Promenade & The Gnome
Rick Wakeman - Katherine Parr - The Six Wives Of Henry VIII
Rick Wakeman - Catherine Aragon (2009) from "The Six Wives Of Henry VIII"
RICK WAKEMAN - Anne Boleyn
Founding Fathers : The Importance of Knowledge
Bryan Fischer, Tony Perkins, and the Hate Agenda
Exclusive: Corruption charges to feature in WikiLeaks release
"Hell yeah, I'm the one that you wanted; hell yeah, I'm the Superbeast. . ." - Rob Zombie

Tom DeLay GUILTY: Jury Convicts Republican In Money Laundering Trial

Can't touch this

(oh-oh oh oh-oh-oh)

Can't touch this

(oh-oh oh oh-oh-oh)

Break it down

(Oh-oh-oh-­oh-oh-oh-o­h-oh-oh oh-oh)

(Oh-oh-oh-­oh-oh-oh-o­h-oh-oh oh-oh)


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Poll: Republicans Want Anti-HCR GOPers To Just Say No To Gov't Health Care
Anti-Facebook Pastor Taking Leave After Three-Way Revelation
Norm Coleman To Joe Miller: It's 'Time To Move On' (VIDEO)
Family Research Council Labeled 'Hate Group' By SPLC Over Anti-Gay Rhetoric
Minn. Pol With Gun Outside Abortion Clinic Says He Was Just In Area 'Checking On' His Girlfriend
College Kid Strips Down To Speedo At Salt Lake Airport (VIDEO)

Stephen Hawking reviews "Going Rogue" by Sarah Palin

1st collector for Stephen Hawking reviews "Going Rogue" by Sarah ...
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Acclaimed British scientist, Professor Stephen Hawking, reviews "Going Rogue: An American Life" by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Stephen Hawking reviews "Going Rogue" by Sarah Palin
Federal Lawsuit Reveals Inhumane Conditions at For-Profit Youth Prison
America's Third War: Texas Strikes Back
'Fusion centers' gather terrorism intelligence – and much more
Defender of Hate Group Leader Campaigning to Head GOP
(i guess the DOJ is more homophobic than the DOD) Obama DOJ Appeals Margaret Witt's Reinstatement To Air Force, But She's Back In For Now
President Barack Obama: North Korea 'a serious threat'
Health Check: The boy who was raised a girl
"Freedom is fragile and must be protected. To sacrifice it, even as a temporary measure, is to betray it." - Germaine Greer


Sarah Palin Reportedly Lobbying To Get Christine O'Donnell On 'Dancing With The Stars'
Orly Taitz Cheers As States Ready To Consider 'Birther' Legislation

Robert Decheine, Rep. Steve Rothman's Chief Of Staff, Fired After Arrest For Soliciting Sex From Minor

DAE, i agree with the biological basis, but in this matter, i believe it has to do more with power and dominance rather than sex. among 'normal' (heterosexual) rapists, there's a subset called the 'power rapist'. they don't get sexual pleasure out of rape, but instead get a rush, a feeling of power and a reassertion of their importance. . .an ego boost. this is often the case with rapists who prey on older women.

i suspect it's the same thing in this nut's case. i speak from personal experience with some of these jerks. a child , even an adolescent, is weaker than a grown man, and in many cases could be rendered personally powerless, just as an elderly woman could.

the same thing's seen in other species when an upper member of the hierarchy mounts--sy­mbolically or realistica­lly--anoth­er member of the same sex, but lower on the ladder. it's a reassertion of that invdividual's power and position within the hierarchy.
About House Democrats
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Police: Priest solicited murder of boy accusing him of sex abuse

I Wanna Be Scanned and Groped





'nuff said.
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I Wanna Be Scanned and Groped
Korea Attack: Yeonpyeong Island Shelled By North Korea
CIA Must Disclose Data on Human Experiments
Internet Commenters: This Is You
"The only difference between a wise man and a fool is that the wise man knows he's playing." - Fritz Perls


The Tea Party's Whiny Takeover
The Hashish Army - Afghanistan

In Living Coolor: Jim carrey As Jimmy Swaggart

1st collector for In Living Coolor: Jim carrey As Jimmy Swaggart
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season 3, episode 11

Ann Coulter Gets Owned By Fox Legal Analyst, Asks Hannity To Cut His Mic
The Decline of Marriage And Rise of New Families
Major spy scandal as five Scandinavian governments catch the U.S. watching their citizens
'It's not our fault': George Bush blames allied forces for prolonged war in Afghanistan
UN urges full US torture investigation

Gatsby Hair Commercial 2

1st collector for Gatsby Hair Commercial 2
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it's in Japanese, but i think you'll get it. . .

Pentagon, Military Actively War Gaming 'Large Scale Economic Breakdown' and 'Civil Unrest'

1st collector for Pentagon, Military Actively War Gaming 'Large S...
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The Army, through training exercises dubbed "Unified Quest 2011," is actively pursuing strategies to deal with a variety of scenarios including large scale economic breakdown, domestic order amid civil unrest and ways to deal with fragmented global power.

The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir

according to the Constitution, any treaties we've signed into are also 'the law of the land', on an EQUAL basis of the Constitution:

"ARTICLE VI: This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

BushCo committed crimes virtually every day of the Administration. if investigations proceeded here, Democrats would be at fault as much as Republicans, since in the panicked aftermath of fear they rubberstamped almost everything presented in the beginning. (the late Sen Robert Byrd was virtually the lone dissenting Democratic voice.) such investigations would empty the Capitol and probably most of the White House.

on the other hand, if another country were to prosecute Bush, it wouldn't necessarily lead to information that would also damage Democrats. . .that is, unless BushCo dragged them into it in self-defense.

American justice has been distorted in the past ten years. i'd welcome trials in an international court.
About George Bush Book
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Pakistan Weary of US Alliance

Bill Maher & Guests Discuss Religious Fanaticism

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Bill discusses Jesus Camp, and religious fanaticism with Sandy Rios, Reza Aslan, and Bradley Whitford.

Glenn Beck Instructs Viewers To Start Selling Their Unused Items To Prepare For Rising Prices
Time for the Human Approach
Climate Skepticism in U.S. Bewilders Other Nations, Negotiator Stern Says
Experts claim 2006 climate report plagiarized
Bill Maher & Guests Discuss Religious Fanaticism
Obama is president of extra-judicial killing, says ex-Guantánamo inmate
The CARS - Dangerous Type(1979)
'Fusion centers' gather terrorism intelligence – and much more - Los Angeles Times
(well, it IS a fact) Speaker: US Seeking to Dominate Region under Pretext of War on Terrorism
Britain's top soldier says al-Qaeda cannot be beaten
(too bad the US isn't that honorable)UK Government to compensate ex-Guantanamo Bay detainees
Report questions safety of planned biodefense lab
Defending Childhood by Preventing Bullying
Prankster broadcasts message to WSU students
Get hacked and spill the beans, anonymously
Uncertainty on New START
Ugandan Girls Entering Juba Prostitution Racket
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." - US Constitution, Amendment XIV, Section 1


Ex-Bunny and Convict Laurie Bembenek Dies
Georgia Preacher Leads Anti-Gay Crusade in Uganda
Los Angeles Times: 'Invasive' airport pat-downs not going away for the holidays
Robin Trower I'm Out to Get You
What Impunity Looks Like
(This shit's going too far) TSA leaves cancer survivor covered in urine
Cedric Miller AFFAIR: Facebook-Banning Pastor Admits To Threesome With Wife And Male Church Assistant
Don't Touch My Junk (the TSA Hustle) song + video by Michael Adams
Al-Qaida Bomb Plans Published On Web Site: Editors Boast About $4,200 Cost Of Attack
Mayor Of London Warns George Bush He Might Face Arrest As A War Criminal
The New Normal Recovery
"Fear always springs from ignorance." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


How To Beat Your Slave
5 Most Horrific Massacres Removed From History Books

Beck University Applicant

1st collector for Beck University Applicant
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a prospective student has some questions for the Beckerwood.

Socialist Catalonian Party Vote - Woman Has Orgasm

1st collector for Socialist Catalonian Party Vote - Woman Has Orgasm
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A video showing a young woman "simulating an orgasm" in order to encourage voting is under fire from both sides of the political spectrum in Spain, the BBC is reporting.

The video, created by the Young Socialists of Catalonia, shows a woman getting hot and bothered while voting in this month's upcoming regional elections. After she slides her vote into the box, the video concludes, "Voting is a pleasure."
The ad is getting both conservative and liberal parties worked up.

Socialist Catalonian Party Vote - Woman Has Orgasm (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Woman Told To Remove Prosthetic Breast by TSA

1st collector for Woman Told To Remove Prosthetic Breast by TSA
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cancer survivor forced to remove prosthetic breast during 'search' before boarding plane

"We have met too late. You are too old for me to have any effect upon you." - James Joyce


New Planet HIP 13044b Is First Spotted Outside Our Galaxy

VIDEO: WGN Misses Bridge Implosion

VIDEO: WGN Misses Bridge Implosion
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WGN Chicago hopes to catch the planned destruction of a bridge on live tv. instead of keeping the camera on the bridge, they cut away. . .with predictable results.

How Dummies Show Off Their Boehner

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Flying Pasties
How Dummies Show Off Their Boehner
Palin Book Slams Levi Johnston
Leo Berman, Texas State Legislator, Introduces 'Birther' Bill
Rick Perry Willing To Send U.S. Troops Into Mexico To Fight Drug War (VIDEO)

FOX News: Discussing Palin on open mike during commerical break

1st collector for FOX News: Discussing Palin on open mike during...
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fox commentators discussing Sarah Palin during commercial break. . .didn't 'know' mike was open. . .ordered by Karl Rove or the GOP. . ?

Willow’s Facebook Outburst Blows the Lid off Sarah Palin’s TLC Propaganda
Green Lantern - the movie
Green Lantern Trailer HD 1080p
Cypress Hill - Insane In The Brain
We Will Always Be at War against Everyone
The Religion of Politics
E Man Groovin' 1975 Jimmy Castor Bunch
Jimmy Castor Bunch - When?
The Jimmy Castor Bunch - It's Just Begun
Protesters Say George Bush Library Should be a Pile of Rubble
jimmy castor bunch bertha butt boogie funk 1975 purrfection mix
"Among the most remarkable features characterizing Zen we find these: spirituality, directness of expression, disregard of form or conventionalism, and frequently an almost wanton delight in going astray from respectability." - Daisetz T Suzuki


GOP Looks To Defund NPR Over Williams Firing

yes, intelligent reporting and information is rather a waste of one's limited and important personal time, which could be better spent listening to talking points, watching celebrities and pointless sports matches. . .isn't it?
About Eat The Press
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GOP Looks To Defund NPR Over Williams Firing
PUT UP OR SHUT UP: Democrats Ask Republicans Supporting Health Care Repeal To Forgo Their Own Coverage
Rev. to NJ church leaders: Thou shalt not Facebook
Sarah Palin Calls Biblical Patriarchs "Neanderthals"
Fla. pastor picks up car for canceled Quran burn -
What If Sarah Palin Was Elected America's 45th President?
Sarah Palin Outlines Checklist Of Presidential Candidate Requirements (VIDEO)


"Zen is joyous iconoclasm which respects nothing and no one, particularly itself." - David Brandon

Willow Palin Facebook Posts: Homophobic Slurs, Curse Words & More (PHOTOS)

ah jes' luvs dem dere good ol' fam'ly valoos. . .
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Willow Palin Facebook Posts: Homophobic Slurs, Curse Words & More (PHOTOS)
Japan confirms space probe brought home asteroid dust
World Battleground, 1000 years of war in 5 minutes
Flashback: Feds saved over 35,000 nude scans from just one Florida courthouse
Naked body scanners may be dangerous: scientists
TSA sees sanitary napkins in naked body scans
Fox News anchor effectively says all Hispanics are illegal aliens
Peter Gabriel - And Through the Wire (1980)
Peter Gabriel - And Through the Wire(early demo)
Pakistani journalist upset by Bush’s ‘plagiarism’ of his works
Prominent Republican says she opposes earmarks… except earmarks she supports
Church in Arizona protested because it looks like a mosque

Rep. Shimkus Misrepresents Climate Science

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John Shimkus (R-IL) gathers some statistics on heat-trapping gasses, and inaccurately reasons that, because man-made greenhouse gases make up such a small percentage of the atmosphere, they cannot possibly have an impact on climate.

His colleague Mike Dolye (D-PA) is quick to point out a few other examples where a very small percentage of a system can have a very large impact on the system as a whole.

What You Didn't Know About The War

What You Didn't Know About The War
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This video is mandatory viewing to all supporters of the war(s).

Narration used in the video is DAHLIA WASFI.

Rep. Shimkus Misrepresents Climate Science
What You Didn't Know About The War
"The Way is really rather exasperating." - R H Blyth


"Everywhere I go, I find a poet has been there before me." - Sigmund Freud


Baby Got Back - Gilbert and Sullivan Style

Baby Got Back - Gilbert and Sullivan Style
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Update! You can download the song (as well as other stuff I've written) at my website:,com_docman/task,cat_view/gid,28/

I need to make that link a bit shorter, I think....

Baby Got Back - Gilbert and Sullivan Style

The Matrix-Prodigy- Breathe

The Matrix-Prodigy- Breathe
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A compilation of all the best bits of the matrix film, backed up by 'Breathe'-Prodigy.

Matrix Dragula HQ

1st collector for Matrix Dragula HQ
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Higher quality version of "Matrix Dragula" video

I do not own the rights to the Matrix Reloaded or the song Dragula. This is just a fan made video.

Matrix Dragula HQ
Fatboy Slim vs. The Matrix - Right Here in the Lobby
The Matrix-Prodigy- Breathe

Cardinal Says U.S. Morally Obliged To Protect Iraqis

i feel for the victims. all of them.

Hussein was a dictator, but overall he protected his Christian Iraqis. he kept a diverse, multiethic, multicultural and multireligious country together, however brutally.

then we invaded. the people fell to the tender mercies of the Shia and Sunni. we didn't care. at least a third of the 300,000 Iraqi Christians left Iraq, and the others were subject to danger day and night.

but so were the remaining Kurds, Shia and Sunni. they were all subject to being terrorized by our military (ex: Abu Gharib, Fallujah), our mercenaries (Blackwater/Xi,; and, most of all, from their own countrymen: organized crime, militias, insurgents, fundamentalists, etc.

the invasion, as most people are aware now--and many were aware in the beginning--was unneeded, except for the need of the United States to expand its hegemony and take control of Iraq's resources.

except for John Paul II, where were the representatives of the Catholic Church speaking out against invading Iraq? why only do so now? Christian Iraqis are no different from Muslim Iraqis; they all suffer worse than they did before the invasion.

so why the sudden pointing of the finger at the United States?
About Iraq
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Cardinal Says U.S. Morally Obliged To Protect Iraqis

"Cardinal Says U.S. Morally Obliged To Protect Iraqis"

. . .and the Catholic Church has an obligation to protect children.

when you point your finger at someone, look and see where the other fingers are pointing.
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The Christian Right in Context: Building a Christian America

if there is a God, She/He/It doesn't play favorites.

more important things going on. more important things to do.

why should i 'beg' for anything? if you want to be a masochist, that's your lookout.

if there is a God, She/He/It respects someone who is unafraid to ask questions, and even to doubt the existence of God. we weren't given brains and mouths to be parroting someone else's words for eternity.

and a God who would invent a Hell is the most sadistic of gods. we create our own Hells.

thank you for showing us yours.
About Christianity
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The 20 Flirtiest Countries on Earth -- Guess Where We Rank?

TOYO TSUTSULI-"Flavor" [MV] official (Sub)

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Director/Artist:TOYO TSUTSULI
Lyrics/music/arrangement:TOYO TSUTSULI

『Surreal Party』
TOYO TSUTSULI Brand New 2010-2011 English Album
Now available on iTunes, amazon and more!

01 Are you coming
02 Hey Girl
03 Miss U Miss
04 Flavor
06 Certain Night
07 Hush!

This Was Actually The <em>NY Times</em> Homepage Just Now (PICTURE)

lighten up. politicians are human, too.

as far as 'growing up' goes, i've been to the other side of the world. in all my decades (i'm retired), i've met less than ten people i'd consider 'adults'.

on the whole, people don't grow up: their bodies just get older. they're as fun-loving and spoiled and childish and greedy and egotistical and attention-getting as they were at three or thirteen.

a look at any newspaper, the people around you, or in the mirror should prove that.

and yeah, i include myself.
About Joe Biden
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Lunatic Calm - Roll the Dice (Fatboy Slim Vocal Mix)

1st collector for Lunatic Calm - Roll the Dice (Fatboy Slim Vocal...
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(Fatboyslim Norman Cook collection )

The 5 Strangest Things Evolution Left in Your Body

Hamlet - The Magic Christian

Hamlet - The Magic Christian
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Hamlet Soliloquy from The Magic Christian

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 9

1st collector for The Magic Christian (1,969) - 9
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Starring Peter Sellers, Ringo Starr, Caroline Blakiston, Isabel Jeans, Richard Attenbourough and guest stars John Cleese, Lawrence Harvey, Christopher Lee, Yul Brynner, Roman Polanski and Raquel Welch.
Directed by Joseph McGrath.

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 8

1st collector for The Magic Christian (1,969) - 8
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Starring Peter Sellers, Ringo Starr, Caroline Blakiston, Isabel Jeans, Richard Attenbourough and guest stars John Cleese, Lawrence Harvey, Christopher Lee, Yul Brynner, Roman Polanski and Raquel Welch. Directed by Joseph McGrath.

The Magic Christian (1,969) - 9
The Magic Christian (1,969) - 8

Neil Young - Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black) - Berlin 1982

1st collector for Neil Young - Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black) - ...
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Rock and roll can never die...

Neil Young - Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black) - Berlin 1982

Fleetwood Mac/Lindsey Buckingham ~ I'm So Afraid ~ Live 1982

Fleetwood Mac/Lindsey Buckingham ~ I'm So Afrai...
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This is another AWESOME live Fleetwood Mac/Lindsey performance from their 1982 Los Angeles (Mirage tour) concert!!

Fleetwood Mac-Tusk.

1st collector for Fleetwood Mac-Tusk.
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(for the BEST SOUND & VISION use HD 720).

Fleetwood Mac - Crystal (with lyrics)

1st collector for Fleetwood Mac - Crystal (with lyrics)
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Do you always trust your first initial feeling?
Special knowledge holds true, bears believing

I turned around and the water was closing all around like a glove
Like the love that finally found me
Then I knew in the crystalline knowledge of you
Drove me through the mountains
Through the crystal like and clear water fountain
Drove me like a magnet
To the sea
To the sea

How the faces of love have changed turning the pages
And I have changed, oh, but you, you remain ageless

Like the love that finally found m

Fleetwood Mac/Lindsey Buckingham ~ I'm So Afraid ~ Live 1982
Fleetwood Mac-Tusk.
Fleetwood Mac - Crystal (with lyrics)

Beats International: Won't talk about it [remix]

1st collector for Beats International: Won't talk about it [remix]
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Edge Of Seventeen-Stevie Nicks 1983

Edge Of Seventeen-Stevie Nicks 1983
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Stevie Nicks @ US FESTIVAL

Edge Of Seventeen-Stevie Nicks 1983

GOP Lawmaker: God will Deal with Climate Change

1st collector for GOP Lawmaker: God will Deal with Climate Change
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"Don't worry. God will save us." - That's what one of the leading candidates to head up a key congressional committee says about global warming. Republican Congressman John Shimkus wants to become the next chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

"I count religion but a childish toy, and hold there is no sin but ignorance." - Christopher Marlowe


Holiday Carol: 8 Days Of Scientology

Holiday Carol: 8 Days Of Scientology
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Have you ever thought that there ought to be holiday songs for Scientologists? Well, now there are.

Holiday Carol: 8 Days Of Scientology


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Peter Gabriel - Shock the Monkey (HQ music video)

Peter Gabriel - Shock the Monkey (HQ music video)
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Official promo music video for "Shock the Monkey" performed by Peter Gabriel from the 1982 album Peter Gabriel 4 (Security) released on Geffen Records. This video is posted courtesy of UMG.

Deep Purple - Child in Time HD 1970 ( UK TV show ) full version

1st collector for Deep Purple - Child in Time HD 1970 ( UK TV sho...
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1970 Live at BBC ,UK
Key-Jon Lord,
Ds -Ian Paice,
G -Ritchie Blackmore,
Vo -Ian Gillan,
B -Roger Glover

Peter Gabriel - Shock the Monkey (HQ music video)
Deep Purple - Child in Time HD 1970 ( UK TV show ) full version
48 Killer Female Soldiers From Various Countries
The Top Ten Female Politicians of the World
Strangest American Laws Still on the Books
And now for the best conspiracy theory of the year. . . GOP's Gohmert Warns TSA About Tampon Bombers
Breasts are best defense against extremism: Danish MP
Spanish priest arrested over '21,000 child porn images'
Glenn Beck's Horrific Lie

The New Freshman Class of Extremist Senators

The New Freshman Class of Extremist Senators
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PFAW's latest video after the 2010 elections

The New Freshman Class of Extremist Senators
Obama’s Claiming More Power Over Americans Than King George III, Says Virginia Attorney General

Thom Hartmann and AFA's Bryan Fischer debate

1st collector for Thom Hartmann and AFA's Bryan Fischer debate
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Why are conservatives afraid to let gays serve? Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told reporters that he would like Congress to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the lame duck session.

The United States Of Television (PICTURE)
"It is best to read the weather forecast before we pray for rain." - Mark Twain


Shinseki: Suicide Rates Soar Among US Vets
George Bush Book 'Decision Points' Lifted Passages From Advisers' Books
Schwartz Call for Change Ignored by Academy
AWOL Soldier Returns on Veterans Day
Town Turns Out to Block Westboro Protest
Former Marines Arrested in Weapons Plot
Former Marine up for Medal of Honor
America vs Al-Qaida: the Widening War
Amy-Erin Blakely Claims She Was Fired After Being Told Her Breasts Were Distracting (VIDEO)
Watchdog Planned for Online Privacy
Hijacking of a very middle class protest: Anarchists cause chaos as 50,000 students take to streets over fees
U.S. 'Notice to Mariners' Report May Explain Mystery Missile Launch
Private security firms sign up to code
Japan firm hopes to boost tourism with "welcome" bra
U.S. says it will tackle discrimination, prisons
Could Terrorists Launch America's Nuclear Missiles?
CIA faces second probe over videotape destruction
No Charges In Destruction Of CIA Interrogation Tapes
Police: Human-smuggling ring busted in Phoenix area
Police Juggling Post-9/11 Roles
Flight school students arrested
See the fire within them burnin', Touch the fire: make me feel so fine.
Keep the fire within you livin'; Everybody gonna shine, shine, shine. . .
See the fire within them burnin', Touch the fire: make me feel so fine.
Keep the fire within you livin';
Everybody gonna shine, shine, shine. . .


A Life on Facebook

Discovered A Life on Facebook via Mark H
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In Ghanaian Village, American Woman Reigns As King
Controlling Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Randy Rives Fears "Pro-Islamic/Anti-Christian Bias" in Textbooks

1st collector for Randy Rives Fears "Pro-Islamic/Anti-Christian B...
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At the September 24 meeting, the board narrowly approved a resolution condemning alleged “pro-Islamic/anti-Christian bias” in social studies textbooks.

(Paranoia In Texas) Attacking Religious Freedom: The Anti-Islam Resolution
Jury gives Dutson 6 years, $10,000 fine
Bill O'Reilly's threats
Criticisms Target Evolution In Texts
TX: Proposed education bills include campus carry, affordable textbooks, abolishing THECB
Big Brother monitored tweets, too
With God on Our Side -- Christian Zionism Exposed
Evolution Less Accepted in U.S. Than Other Western Countries, Study Finds
In the Creationist Universe, Religious Dogma Trumps Scientific Inquiry
Jon Soltz, VoteVets Founder, War Critic, Called Up For Military Service In Iraq
"In war, there are no unwounded soldiers." - José Narosky
Morituri et Salutant!


Keith "98.6" Extended Version
Child Abuse Rate At Zero Percent In Lesbian Households, New Report Finds
African-American Voter Forced to Swear on Bible Before Casting Ballot in Midterm
Joyce Kaufman, Allen West's Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes
Debt Commission Report Targets Social Security, Medicare

The Tubes: Don't Touch Me There (Live)

1st collector for The Tubes: Don't Touch Me There (Live)
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spirit: i got a line on you

1st collector for spirit: i got a line on you
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Keith "98.6" Extended Version

1st collector for Keith "98.6" Extended Version
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No copyright infringement intended. "Keith" aka James Barry Keefer, created a number of hits in the sixties....

Gnarls Barkley: Crazy (Rorshach)

1st collector for Gnarls Barkley: Crazy (Rorshach)
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Parents tell police religion is the reason they hid their children

1st collector for Parents tell police religion is the reason they...
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The youngsters, who range in age from two to 13, lived inside an abandoned home at 734 South Duke Street. The home had no electricity, heat, water or functioning toilet. The children were never taken to any medical, dental or vision appointments, and did not receive any type of education.

Al Qaeda's War Against Christians
Congressman-Elect West Taps Inflammatory Radio Host As Chief Of Staff
"Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us, Happy birthday, Marine Corps, Happy birthday to us. . ."


To Questions He Can't Answer, Bush Has A New Response: Buy My Book

actually, it's one of the few real things i do blame Obama for. they're refused to look into the crimes of his predecessors, let alone prosecute.

one reason for this is that the late Senator Byrd was virtually the only Democrat who refused to join the stampede of fear Congress felt after 911.

this is understandable, of course, since Congress was the target of the last plane. we have a habit of replacing Presidents from assassination, fatal illness, etc.(of, course, he wasn't there then); but to take out 535 representatives and senators would have put a hurt on everybody.

known and unknown legislation was passed without anyone reading it, or without giving any thought to its implications.

Democrats voted for it as much as any Republican.

if the full story of that alone ever got out, it'd do what the Tea Party failed to do: take out a lot of the Obama Administration (including Obama), while emptying out a large amount of Congress (both houses) as well.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
To Questions He Can't Answer, Bush Has A New Response: Buy My Book
US Rejects UN Death Penalty Proposal
Global reaction to Bush's 'Decision Points' memoir: It's a page-turner.
Al Qaeda is here: How a U.S. branch of the terror organisation is 'now our biggest threat'
How the Ouija Board Swept America
Wildly Inappropriate Pop-Up Found In Children's Book (PHOTO)

Ten Most Significant Cities on Earth

1st collector for Ten Most Significant Cities on Earth
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2010 Global Hunger Index
The Weapons That Kill Civilians — Deaths of Children and Noncombatants in Iraq, 2003–2008
The harvest of war: from pain to gain
Iraq, War and WikiLeaks: The Real Story
Understanding Counterinsurgency Strategy

They Live: The South Park Cut. (cripple fight)

1st collector for They Live: The South Park Cut. (cripple fight)
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This is the famous fight scene from They Live with the soundtrack from the fight between Timmy and Jimmy in the Cripple fight episode of South Park.

They Live: The South Park Cut. (cripple fight)

They Live: The Moment of Revelation

They Live: The Moment of Revelation
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Reaching enlightment can be a ppsychic shock. Kinda indicative of the past ten years, ain't it?

Robert Gibbs Fights With Indian Security Over White House Press Corps Restrictions

Not for Air : Batman & Robin Cursing

Not for Air : Batman & Robin Cursing
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the Dynamic Duo get bleeped out a lot.

godzilla's farewell

1st collector for godzilla's farewell
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from 'Godzilla 1985'

The International Space Weather Initiative

Kucinich on GOP Compromise - Cenk on MSNBC

Kucinich on GOP Compromise - Cenk on MSNBC
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Republicans still refuse to compromise with Democrats.

Climate Scientists To Fight Back Against Republican Climate-Change Deniers
As 'Tea Parties' lose steam, fringe conspiracists step up to the fore

Bush's Opposition To Abortion Grew After Mother Showed Him Dead Fetus In A Jar

(new Facebook group)

Subversively move George W. Bush's memoir to crime section in book shops

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Health Care Reform Challenge REJECTED By Supreme Court


"If you would be free of greed, first you have to leave egotism behind. The best mental exercise for relinquishing egotism is contemplating impermanence." - Dogen
The Autobots Are Coming!

"Lucid" by REL!G!ON Moka Only & E.d.g.e. on RAP CITY

1st collector for "Lucid" by REL!G!ON Moka Only & E.d.g.e. on RAP...
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CIA To Investigate Wikileaks Documents

last night, i found a link to an FOIA reply to the CIA concerning the possible assassination of Assange. i downloaded the PDF reply, but failed to keep the link.

i don't know if this will work (cut & paste), but this is the text of the letter. . .


Cental Irtelligence Agency

Washington, D.C.20505

27 October 2AIA

Reference: F-201 1-00 07 8


This is a final response to your 11 October 2010 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, received in the offrce of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on 12 October 2010, for copies ofall records current orprevious plans to assassinate Julian

Assange, Australian national and spokesman for We have assigned your request the reference number above. Please use this number when corresponding so that we can identify it easily.

In accordance with section 3.6(a) of Executive Order 13526, the CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence ofrecords responsive to your request. The fact ofthe existence or nonexistence ofrequested records is currently and properly classified and is intelligence sources and methods information that is protected from

disciosure by section 6 of the CIA Act of 7949, as amended, and section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended. Therefore, your request is denied pursuant to FOIA exemptions O)(1) and (b)(3). I have enclosed an explanation of these exemptions

for your reference and retention. . . .


Scott Koch

Acting Information and Privacy Coordinator
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Surprise police arrest naked man banging on doors

Read more:
The Most Ridiculous Instances Of Accidental Racism Ever (PHOTOS)

Jimi Hendrix - Hey Baby (studio version) HQ sound

1st collector for Jimi Hendrix - Hey Baby (studio version) HQ sound
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C-4 Seized in Navy SEAL Smuggling Case
Jimi Hendrix - Hey Baby (studio version) HQ sound
Declassified U.S. Nuclear Test Films
An open letter to the Tea Party
Debt Collection Company Was Using Fake Sheriffs, Judges and Courtroom To Scare Debtors
Man nabbed for allegedly stealing sexy pics, posting online
With ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Movement Growing, New SPLC Video Promotes Law Enforcement Safety
An Online Porn Traffic Surge in Red States?
“Ending States that Sponsor Terrorism”: Dismantling the Iraqi State, Destroying an Entire Country
"Liberty means responsibility. That's why most men dread it." - George Bernard Shaw