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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Space Shuttle Atlantis Makes Historic Final Landing, Ending 30-Year Era (VIDEO)

(Part 3)

while we know where most of the planet-kil­ler asteroids and comets are, we don't know where ALL of them are. they're not confined to the plane of the earth's orbit (the ecliptic); there's a 360-degree shell around this solar system. one could come from any direction at any time, to kill a city or continent or everyone. the sooner we get a large presence into space, the sooner we can find and deal with them before any hit. our estimates are probablist­ic; but there's always that freak chance that happens regardless of probabilit­y.

as Stephen Hawking's said, we need to move out just to ensure life will survive. in my opinion, we need colonies in orbit, inside asteroids, on the Moon, other planets and moons, and more. the Permian Extinction of 250 million years ago wiped out almost all life; the planet may not be so lucky if a repeat happens. we sdon't know what caused it; we know it happened. taking ourselves and life into space ensures survival.

but our problem is political. no free healthcare­, no population control, no wise use of resources, because of political systems and religious systems. you're no doubt familiar with some of the reasoning on either side. we have people that fear any change, people that fear the future.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost