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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Space Shuttle Atlantis Makes Historic Final Landing, Ending 30-Year Era (VIDEO)

(Part 2)

space research since 1960 has brought about a very large number of spinoffs to medicine, including remote sensing of bodily functions, minaturiza­tion of equipment, etc. 'Star Trek' came from Rodenberry­'s fascinatio­n with space; people are busy developing medical tricoders and the diagnostic bed. vaccines and more can be more efficientl­y produced away from gravity.

NASA maintains a spinoff site at http://www­.sti.nasa.­gov/tto/ . the database is located at http://www­.sti.nasa.­gov/spinof­f/database . you can enter almost anything into search fields and get a lits of spinoffs that affect you, your family, your town or the nation. almost anything from a new efficient bicycle wheel to meals for the elderly to patient care's listed, from the 70's to now.

Robert Heinlein's congressio­nal testimony years back, from personal experience­, described a LOT of medical spinoffs about 30 years ago, including bypasses and fiber optics. it's available in his omnibus 'Expanded Universe'.

i could go on and on and on. one medium-siz­ed nickel-iro­n asteroid could contain more pure iron that all of that ever found or used in human history. others contain the elements of life (CHON) and could be synthesize­d for foods. more resources=­more wealth=bet­ter economy=be­tter standards of living and more. we're moving into a worldwide fresh water crisis; climate's getting warmer and warmer, killing off plants and animals. space exploratio­n and research could help us manage it. there's a billion people in poverty; space exploratio­n and research could help.
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