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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Space Shuttle Atlantis Makes Historic Final Landing, Ending 30-Year Era (VIDEO)

(Part 4)

with the space program, things would NOT be perfect, but they'd be much, much better than they are now. without the space program, we're on a decline (as in other metrics) as a country. other societies, other nations will take the lead and we will become a third-worl­d country. we're already going down that road now.

we have people that would rather foul their own nest than clean it up and grow up. we're having more and more babies, to eventually be brought into despair and death through war and hunger and disease. we're moving backwards instead of forward. . .a neofeudal breakup. some politician­s cry 'Constitut­ion', but they really want the Articles of Confederat­ion. Dominionis­ts and Reconstruc­tionists are trying to turn the country into a theocracy, while political and religious ideology insert themselves into the school system. and there's much more. . .

these problems don't exist in isolation. their solutions won't exist in isolation, either. but in ending the space program we cripple ourselves, maybe even fatally. i don't care if we 'maintain a lead' in space. my goa,l, much as it were, is the survival of (1) the country, (2) the world, and (3) life itself.

sorry to go on for so long. . .if i were wide awake i could have said much more. . .but there's decades of material written about the matter. our problems are (1) political will, (2) fear and (3) the refusal or inability to understand­.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost