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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Why Evangelicals Hate Jesus

sure i hate Pauline theology. he's a misogynist who believed in slavery and kissing the rears of any authority.

Saul hardly threw out the forms of legalism when he set up a system that would perpetuate it. as far as i can tell, Jesus never condemned or hated any but the hypocrite, but Saul/Paul'­s good about saying who is and isn't going into heaven. now and then he had a glimpse of insight, but only that. i can admire him for his fanatical obsession, which let him endure a lot of suffering, but that doesn't necessaril­y mean that he was right.

i don't care for him deciding which of God's gifts is more important than others. i don't care for his condoning slavery. i don't care for him saying women have no right to speak in church, or that a man is the 'head' of the woman. i don't necessaril­y care for his judgments on sexual relations, either.

Jesus never said anything about that.

Saul/Paul'­s version of Christiani­ty is the direct cause of 2000 years of war and suffering throughout the world, if you've ever read any history.

he even gives a rundown of everyone who saw Jesus after the Resurrecti­on, yet convenient­ly ignores the women, especially Mary Magdalene, whom all Gospels say was present.

nope. . .don't care for the boy at all.
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