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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


'Justice League' Film, 'Batman' Reboot Planned, Says Warner Bros. Executive

they have a lot of area to cover, considerin­g that the comic book superhero as known started with Action #1. there've been hundreds of heroes and heroines and thousands of cast members, the majority of which aren't familiar to the public.

some could have been much better (X-Men: Wolverine)­, and some should never have been made (Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, Spider-Man 3), but there's lots of good material that could be used, and sometimes updated.

it's my opinion that with computers, CGI, etc, we can see the comics we read in the 50's and 60's, etc, come to life. it's childish and selfish and nostalgic, but fans of those years (like me) to now have always wanted to see the comics on film. i'm closing on my late fifties, but i've always wanted to see Thor on film, and i still want to see Doctor Strange.

EXAMPLE: the Green Lantern Corps is perfect for present-da­y technology­; it would have been impossible before. consider the concept: 3600 alien species banded as a type of interstell­ar Marine Corps of sorts. the largest known is a living planet; the smallest (last i heard) was a virus. some Lanterns are vegetable, some are silicon-ba­sed (metal, robotic to us); one is a crystallin­e mountain, some are hive intelligen­ces; almost any type of shape is possible.

the REAL problem is finding good stories and good writers. . .and knowing when to stop with sequels.
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