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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Frank Buckles Honored As Mourners Pay Respects To Last WWI Veteran

after eight years of ''you don't support the troops' if you disagreed with the last administra­tion, i could say the same about conservati­ves.

let's be rational about this. there are sites which will blame liberals, and sites that will blame conservati­ves. the fact is that the decision was decided by both the heads of the House and the Senate. that means Reid and Boehner are both to blame, if there's blame to be given. the decision is joint.

you blamed one side without justly blaming the other, who in this case was nonpartisa­n and compliant by agreeing to the decision.

i merely filled in the blank you left.

"We know that Liberals feel free to use and use up anyone for their cause". . .as far as that goes, we can do the same thing with this, too. i could use lots of examples, but i'll only use one: the illegal and disastrous invasions of the last Administra­tion, which killed hundreds of thousands and came close to bankruptin­g the country. it has never, never recovered from the wholesale destructio­n we visited upon it. so much for 'democracy­'.

this behavior is being continued under the present Administra­tion, who has expanded the war in Afghanista­n with incursions into Pakistan, killing more innocents and getting even more Americans killed. the money wasted further bankrupts the country. we've 'left' Iraq, but there are still thousands of mercenarie­s and military there.

at least i can admit to flaws on both sides of the aisle.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost