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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Libya Protests: Dozens Killed As Anti-Gaddafi Protests Continue

"Members of an army unit known as the "Thunderbo­lt" squad had come to the hospital carrying wounded comrades, he said. The soldiers said they had defected to the cause of the protesters and had fought and defeated Gaddafi's elite guards."

it's heartening and honorable that some of those in the army have realized their allegiance is to the people, and not to the leader.

this is the type of honor that's being shown in Iran when troops want assurances that they'll not be ordered to fire on fellow citizens.

it''s the type of honor shown in Egypt when Muslims protect praying Christians­, and the Egyptian Christians protect the Muslims in return.

the Islamophob­es in the United States won't care, and they'll continue their hateful, stereotypi­cal propaganda that washes all Muslims with the same brush.

whatever the final denouement­, let it be remembered that these are instances of honor, pride and patriotism to each group. and it is a type of honor and patriotism that does not require the meddling of the United States.

the United States Government should realize, and affirm, that the actions of these groups are the actions of patriots who love their own countries no less than we love ours.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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