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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Palin's Bigoted Twitter Calls on Muslims to "Refudiate"

politically correct = brain dead

when 911 happened, my first thought was, "Welcome to the real world."

other countries have been dealing with terrorism for decades and more, although the numbers have been smaller.

i belong to no herd. herd behavior was what let bin Laden get away, what caused the invasion of Iraq, what's made Afghanistan a mess, and how our government reacted exactly as bin Laden wanted them to. herd behavior is how the Constitution and international law have been trampled on since 911. herd behavior allows an opening for the demagogues and holy rollers to come in and take over and victimize and prey upon the sheep.

it may be offensive, but i'd rather speak as i see it, whether it's a fact, or only my opinion. sugarcoating only makes it worse.

this country is imploding under theocrats and teabaggers and mouthpieces who should be incarcerated for attempting to incite racism and violence against fellow Americans and anyone they don't like. Christianity has become an hypocritical and idolatrous religion under these selfsame people and their followers.

if the WTC site was so 'holy', you tell me why no one has built any memorial there? it's comin' up on nine years now. if i remember right, the Empire State Building went up in only three or so years.

seen lotsa plans for a memorial over the years. . .but not a single brick.

must be the same weaknesss that's kept us from the moon since 1972.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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