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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Four More Years Of War -- Just For Starters

(continued part 3)

global warming is reducing the amount of fresh water worldwide, and it's being felt deeply in India and Pakistan. they've come close to war over it. and they're both nuclear armed states. the US is supposedly an ally of both countries. this gives us the opportunity to defuse any aggressions before they lead to war.

our presence in Afghanistan also gives us unparalleled opportunites for espionage against China and Russia. the Chinese PLA (People's Liberation Army) has been modernizing at a fantastic rate, although it is still no match for us. on the other hand, they are years--maybe more--ahead of us at cyberwarfare.

the US and NATO announced last year that perceived cyberattacks might be met with conventional force, which implies they don't have the cybersavvy necessary to deal with them.

it's believed that many of the cyberattacks on the government or military of this country originate in either China or Russia.

Afghanistan makes a fairly good staging platform for espionage into either Russia or China.

other resources--oil, natural gas, etc--exist in the nations of Central Asia. both Russia and China are interested in them, as well as us.

the United States is by far the greatest consumer of energy, and our needs--as well as those of the world--are increasing with the population.

. . .'course, this is just my opinion; ah don' know nothin'. . .

peace out, yo.
About Hillary Clinton
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