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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Four More Years Of War -- Just For Starters


the so-called 'revelation' of the discovery of precious metals, etc in Afghanistan is a basic political lever, in the sense that it's a further rationalization for our being there. . .we "have to help" the Afghans develop this wealth. . .

but it had been known to be there since, at least, the Soviet invasion decades earlier.

our supposed purpose for going to Afghanistan was to hunt down bin Laden and al Qaeda, and remove the Taliban as a source of power. bin Laden was allowed to escape, al Qaeda was allowed to scatter across the world and form or inspire splinter groups, and the Taliban was allowed to regroup and regain the strength and power it had lost.

so, like all the lies the American people believed about Iraq, we have now, basically, in Afghanistan.

yet there are other reasons, less obvious and less visible.

one is the continuing fear/rivalry of the nations in the region. for instance, Afghanistan is afraid of Pakistan. Pakistan is afraid of India. India is afraid of China. China is afraid of Russia.

similar fears exist, in differing amounts, among the Central Asian nations recently formed from the breakup of the former Soviet Union.

Pakistan and Bangladesh (former East Pakistan) were parts of India prior to 1947. since then Pakistan and India have been involved in several wars and smaller conflicts, as well as suffering from terrorist groups supported by their opposite numbers.

(to be continued)
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