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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Jennifer Love Hewitt Is 'Obsessed With Babies,' 'Bruised & Battered' By Stripper Pole

basically, it's a taste of the 'forbidden fruit'. . .taking on roles that are frowned on by society, and exerting control of the male libido by showing off their own sexuality. it's somewhat unlike situations they'll encounter in 'real' life (HAW!), and resembles 'getting away with something' in plain view of everyone.

a role like this strips away society's inhibitions. it's all the more exciting because it's frowned on, yet they're getting away with performing these roles, as if they were really strippers or prostitutes.

bit of a fantasy fulfillment in some cases, too, i'd suspect.

this is still an overwhelmingly male-oriented and male-dominated society. a role like this allows an actress to symbolically 'get back', you might say, by using another aspect of herself as a means of expression. unlike gratuitous nudity and sex scenes in some movies, roles like these are the entire reason for those movies; they're 'acceptable' because the role itself is the focus and not an accessory.

since these are being recorded, it's also the basis for a somewhat good memory in years to come in the actress' mind, knowing that others may still be in admiration of her physical appearance, as well as her mind and acting ability. . .

the thing is that the fantasy only lasts for the time they're performing the role. if they had to do it every day and night of their lives, they might think differently, because the world's not always a kind place.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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