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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Pembroke Township: Mired In Poverty, Now Devastated By Tornadoes, With No Help In Sight

funny thing is that there doesn't seem to be any real Communist societies left in the world. . .unless you count China, and they've evolved from the pure-Communism model a long time ago. . .little thing called 'polycentrism', started with Tito in the 50's. It ain't the Leninist-Marxist-Stalinist Communism that the US wet its pants over in the 50's.

Cuba's nothing more than a dictatorship; been that way since Castro took over. He knew we were likely to invade and take over like we'd done with Hawaii and Puerto Rico, so he aligned himself with the USSR more out of self-protection than ideology. He played us against each other, and it worked wonderfully. We were lots closer than the USSR, and at the time both of us were using the world to play our little games, regardless of what suffering occurred due to our actions.

North Korea's a pure theocracy, traditionally Oriental. Kim Jong Il and his father are promoted to the people as gods; there's repeated stories of all kinds of miraculous, magical events surrounding their births and lives. Some of Kim's behavior has paralleled stuff i've seen with other 'messiahs', like Koresh or Jim Jones. Difference is he has nukes.

Christianity. . .oh, that'd take a while. Only thing that's Christian 'bout it seems to be the name; the collective behavior sure ain't what Christ wanted. . .although I suspect that there are real Christians in the country, scattered here and there. . .
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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