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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Legislation of Biblical Proportions: Can We Really Have an 'Academic' Study of the Bible in Public Schools?

and, just for your info, i was brought up in the Church of Christ. i've read the Bible daily and ruminated over it for more years than i care to think. and i was reading newspapers and classical mythology before i ever started school.

we need doctors. we need scientists­. we need engineers and artists.

about two years ago i lost my right leg to diabetes. the doctors have wanted to take the left leg since last November. there's an epidemic of diabetes within the public school system nationwide right now.

as has been widely said, God doesn't heal amputees, although reptiles, amphibians and even flatworms get the Divine nod of the head.

instead of studying the Bible, we need immediate solutions to what's wrong. there are diseases to be cured, energy sources to be found and developed, creativity­, critical thought, and spontaneit­y to be nursed and brought to fruition.

i cannot agree to the Bible in public schools until more important things are taken care of.
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