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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Patriot Act Extensions Rejected By House In Bipartisan Vote

thanks for the input.

the 'patriotis­m' of this country in the past ten or so years has been supernatio­nalistic gorilla breastbeat­ing and threat displays, in my view. i've found it quite distastefu­l, myself.

i prefer the definition of patriotism as espoused by the late science fiction writer, Robert A Heinlein, myself. . .working from within to improve the community and the nation.

by which definition­, helping the poor, educating others, and ensuring the rights of ALL citizens is more important than acting like troops of monkeys howling at other troops.

one must admit that, when all things are taken into account, there is a very high degree of confused impotency and a lack of national self-confi­dence leading to overcompen­sation through protestati­ons of 'patriotis­m', as currently viewed.

i've served my own country in the Marines and spent thirty more years serving my community in law enforcemen­t, but currently used definition­s of patriotism turn my stomach.

and i myself find it hopeful that members of the Tea Party have voted with Democrats against these measures.
About 112th Congress
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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