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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Mexico Authorities Discover Six Burned Bodies

Happy, i see where you're coming from, but i would like to point out one small thing: like Korea, the Gulf War 'didn't end'. a cease-fire was signed. that's why it was over so quick.

Scwarzkopf­, Powell and even Cheney (at the time) acknowledg­ed it was foolish to try to continue to Baghdad and finish the affair, which would be too costly in lives and materiel. Norman Schwarzkop­f was VERY adamant about minimizing American losses and favored the cease-fire­.

so two no-fly zones were set in Iraqi airspace. every day after the ceasefire, we shot down anything moving in those zones.

we re-entered full combat with the invasion of 2003, with results everyone knows. one could, in honesty, question whether it's over even now, as some US troops and mercenarie­s remain, and we opened up the can of worms everyone shied away from in the early 1990s. . .
About Mexico
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