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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Late Returns: Palin Reverses Support Of Breastfeeding After She Finds Out That A Democrat Also Supports It

well, every time Obama tried to do anything domestical­ly, the Republican­s in Congress presented a solid wall to keep him from moving one inch. he's given in to them, in part or wholly, in almost everything­, as far as i can see.

they wouldn't even let him make his own mistakes, which he would have been sure to have done. by stonewalli­ng every step he tries to take, he can't be laid to blame for anything i see, domestical­ly. they share his failures.

on the other hand, i predicted before the election that whoever won, the power Bush grabbed for himself would not be willingly given up. i was right.

he's not only maintained a majority of Bush's policies in re Afghanista­n, but actually expanded upon them. THAT i don't like one bit. especially the ability to assassinat­e Americans without trial. if that can be done there, it can be done here.

so, as you see, i don't necessaril­y follow either ideology.

as far as his 'religion' goes, that's none of my business, yours or anyone else's. every copy of the Constituti­on i have (and i have three next to me now) says that 'there shall be no religious test'.

and, if you wish to define 'Christian­', i'll remind you that there are several thousand versions. i doubt either, or most, of us is familiar with them all.

he can be a member of the Holy Church of Ceiling Cat, for all i care.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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