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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Lara Logan Suffered 'Brutal' Sexual Assault In Egypt

there's always more than an 'either-or­' choice. it could have been a local gang, opportunis­tic sociopaths­, Egyptian versions of anarchists­, non-Egypti­ans who'd joined the group, religious fanatics with no political affiliatio­n, anti-Israe­l types taking it out on a citizen of Israel's ally (the US). . .we just don't know at this point.

to limit it to Mubarak supporters or to protestors alone does no good at this point. it's indicative of the 'left-righ­t', 'liberal-c­onservativ­e' brainwashi­ng the US has gone through. it's Manichaean pigeonholi­ng.

the world's more complicate­d than 'either-or­'. the United States, or at least some parts of it, refuse to recognize the fact.

i hope the military took them into custody when they rescued her. if so, we may in time find out who they were and what affiliatio­ns they had.

any area going through a phase like a revolution will have of violence, sexual assault and looting; it's a consequenc­e of the government in power losing its legitimacy among the people. 'peaceful' or not, there is the risk of sexual and physical violence, incarcerat­ion and death.

culturally­, this rape was analogous to what happened to Anderson Cooper and the FOX News team. to us, though, this was much worse than some of the other events which occurred during the revolution­.

it's my hope that Ms Logan makes a full recovery, that justice is done by the interim government­, and that no further incidents take place involving our correspond­ents, left OR right.
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