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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Jeff Perry, GOP House Candidate, Haunted By Allegations That He Ignored Illegal Strip Search Of Teenage Girls

i was in law enforcement 30 years. i can not only envision it, but have known of similar events.

you probably don't believe the stories of people who came forward years later to tell their stories of being abused by Catholic priests, either. the Catholic Church--and, it seems, the Vatican--believe it.

the girl's own motives in coming forward are of little importance. it happened. she'll remember the incident for the rest of her life, in shame and emotional pain. it won't go away. never.

altruism isn't a factor in reporting crimes or in gaining witnesses. sources of information and confidential informants have themselves often been accised of or convicted of crimes. using them is standard practice nationwide, even worldwide.

this girl may or may not be a saint. what is confirmed is that she was victimized at a VERY young and impressionable age, by corrupt people who were suppposed to be guardians of the law and the citizens.

that has marked her for the rest of her life. she now sees one of the people involved in her humiliation attempting to reach a position that would exalt him above most other people.

it's entirely reasonable that she'd want to speak out. corrupt police who stand by and do nothing when crime occurs in their view--by their own--are no better to me than those who are cruel and brutal in their actions against suspected criminals, no better than those who take bribes.

there's no place for either.
About 2010 Elections
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