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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Medical Torture and the Definitions of Sin

Lindbergh resigned his military commission after the 1939 invasion of Poland and joined the antiwar movement. He had already attempted to put pressure on Britain to keep them from fighting Nazi Germany. He saw that our entry into WWII would enable the USSR to overcome Eastern Europe, and considered Nazism less of a threat. He pleaded for Jewish inaction to the Nazi threat.

In a Sept 11 1941 speech in Des Moines, although he stated he was not anti-semitic, "In the speech, he warned of the Jewish People's 'large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government'.

The Wikipedia article on Lindbergh's relationship with the Nazis is quite informative. In one of his later writings, he says that the survival of the white race is more important than the survival of democracy in Europe.

"Holocaust researcher and investigative journalist Max Wallace, agrees with Franklin Roosevelt's assessment that Lindbergh was "pro-Nazi" in his book, 'The American Axis'. However, Wallace finds the Roosevelt Administration's accusations of dual loyalty or treason as unsubstantiated. Wallace considers Lindbergh a well-intentioned but bigoted and misguided Nazi sympathizer whose career as the leader of the isolationist movement had a destructive impact on Jewish people."

Even if he wasn't a conscious racist, he certainly supported the Nazis, and defended them repeatedly.

He was a representative product of his political and cultural mileu, with the ability to influence others.
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